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Snapshot as at 1800
By Ring Number (Descending), Tenor Weight (Descending) and Event Year (Ascending)
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Tower and County | No display | Weight Display | Tenor Date | Tenor Founder | Event Start | Event | Event Changed | Next Event | Previous Event Date | Previous Event |
Southwark, Gtr Lon, Cathedral | 12 | 48 1 18 | 1735 | Knight, Samuel | 1735 | Existing 8 recast and augmented to 12 by Samuel Knight in 1735 | 1911 | Tenor recast and new fittings supplied by M&S in 1911 | 1673 | Believed to be a complete ring of 8 by 1673 |
Norwich, Norf, S Peter Mancroft | 12 | 41 1 04 | 1775 | Pack & Chapman | 1775 | Existing 10 recast, remodelled and augmented to 12 by P&C in 1775 | 1814 | Tenor replaced by T Mears in 1814 | 1735 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Samuel Knight in 1735 |
London, London, S Michael, Cornhill | 12 | 41¼ cwt | 1795 | Mears, Thomas I | 1795 | Tenor recast in 1795 by T Mears | 1910 | 11/12 recast and canons removed from 9, 10 and 12/12 by M&S in 1910 | 1738 | Tenor recast by Lester & Pack in 1738 |
London, London, S Giles, Cripplegate | 12 | 37 1 07 | 1787 | Patrick, Robert | 1792 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 and resultant 3/12 recast by J Briant in 1792 | 1940 | Existing 12 destroyed on 29 December 1940 | 1787 | Tenor recast in 1787 by Robert Patrick (with John Warner as contractor) |
Birmingham, W Mids, S Martin | 12 | 35 0 08 | 1758 | Lester & Pack | 1771 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 in 1771 by Pack & Chapman | 1870 | Existing 12 rehung and canons removed by Blews in 1870 | 1758 | Existing 8 recast, remodelled and augmented to 10 in 1758 by L&P |
Shrewsbury, Shrops, S Chad | 12 | 34 0 21 | 1798 | Mears, Thomas I | 1798 | Existing 10 replaced and augmented to 12 cast by T Mears and installed in new church in 1798 | 1825 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1825 | 1788 | Existing 10 destroyed when church collapsed on 9th July 1788 |
Westminster, Gtr Lon, S Martin in the Fields | 12 | 31 2 18 | 1726 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1727 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by A Rudhall in 1727 | 1922 | Existing 12 all restored, retuned and rehung in new frame and fittings by M&S in 1922 | 1726 | Existing 8 bells recast, remodelled and augmented to 10 by A Rudhall in 1726 |
Cambridge, Cambs, S Mary the Great | 12 | 29 0 23 | 1770 | Pack & Chapman | 1773 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 in 1773 by P&C | 1911 | 1 & 2/12 recast and canons removed by Taylor in 1911 | 1770 | Tenor recast in 1770 by P&C |
London, London, S Bride, Fleet Street | 12 | 28 cwt | 1710 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1719 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Abraham Rudhall in 1719 | 1940 | Existing 12 destroyed on 29 December 1940 | 1710 | Existing 8 or 10 recast into 10 by A Rudhall in 1710 |
Cirencester, Gloucs, S John Bapt | 12 | 25½ cwt | 1736 | Rudhall, Abel | 1736 | Tenor recast by Abel Rudhall in 1736 | 1870 | All rehung in 1870 and canons removed from Tenor | 1722 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 in 1722 by Abraham Rudhall II |
Exeter, Devon, Cathedral | 10 | 62 2 11 | 1729 | Evans, William | 1729 | Existing diatonic 9 augmented by adding resultant 1/10 to become ring of 10 plus b4th and resultant 8 & 10/10 recast in 1729 by William Evans | 1902 | 6 & 10/10 recast and remainder retuned and all rehung by Taylor in 1902 | 1676 | Major 3rd of existing 9 in mixolydian mode added to create a diatonic 9 plus b3rd and resultant 6, 8 and 9/9 recast by Thomas Purdue in 1676 |
York, N Yorks, Cath & Metropolitical Ch of S Peter | 10 | 53 0 25 | 1765 | Lester & Pack | 1765 | Former 12 reduced to 10 when recast / replaced by L&P in 1765 | 1840 | Existing 10 damaged by fire on 20th May 1840 | 1681 | 4 bells from NW Tower recast to augment existing 8 to 12 in SW Tower by Samuel Smith in 1681 |
London, London, S Mary le Bow, Cheapside | 10 | 53 0 22 | 1738 | Phelps & Lester | 1762 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 3-9/10 recast by Lester & Pack in 1762 | 1881 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by M&S in 1881 | 1738 | Tenor recast by Phelps & Lester in 1738 |
Spitalfields, Gtr Lon, Christ Church | 10 | 44 cwt | 1746 | Lester, Thomas | 1789 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1789 by an unknown founder | 1801 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 in 1801 by an unknown founder | 1746 | 4 & 8/8 recast by T Lester in 1746 |
Hereford, Herefs, Cathedral | 10 | 35½ cwt | 1500 | Unknown | 1698 | Existing 6 restored and augmented to 10 by Abraham Rudhall I in 1697/8 | 1953 | 8/10 recast and canons removed by M&S in 1953 | 1500 | Known to be 6 by when Tenor cast c1500 |
Bath, Som, Abbey | 10 | 35 cwt | 1700 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1774 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1774 by Thomas Rudhall | 1869 | Tenor recast by Warner in 1869 | 1700 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by A Rudhall in 1700 |
Nottingham, Notts, S Mary V | 10 | 34 2 08 | 1765 | Lester & Pack | 1765 | 3, 4 and 10/10 recast by L&P in 1765 | 1935 | Existing 10 all recast (except 9/10) and rehung by G&J in 1935 | 1761 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Lester & Pack in 1761 |
Oxford, Oxon, Cathedral | 10 | 32½ cwt | 1589 | Unknown | 1741 | 4 & 9/10 recast and 5 & 10/10 retuned by Abel Rudhall in 1740/1 | 1893 | Restored by Thomas Blackbourn and canons removed from Tenor (and weighed in tower) in 1893 | 1680 | Existing 6 augmented to 10 by Christopher Hodson in 1680 |
Coventry, W Mids, Cathedral | 10 | 31 1 14 | 1774 | Pack & Chapman | 1774 | Existing 8 recast and augmented to 10 in 1774 by P&C | 1805 | Tenor recast in 1805 by J Briant | 1675 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1675 by H Bagley |
Peterborough, Cambs, Cathedral | 10 | 31 cwt | 1709 | Penn, Henry | 1709 | 10 cast in 1709 by Henry Penn | 1831 | Existing 10 reduced to 5 when 9/10 recast by William Dobson in 1831 and bells 1-5/10 removed | ||
Grantham, Lincs, S Wulfram | 10 | 30 0 26 | 1775 | Pack & Chapman | 1775 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 3, 9 & 10/10 recast by P&C in 1775 | 1818 | Tenor recast in 1818 by T Mears | 1752 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by T Eayre in 1752 |
Sheffield, S Yorks, Cathedral | 10 | 29 3 23 | 1798 | Mears, Thomas I | 1798 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and Tenor recast by T Mears in 1798 | 1804 | Existing 10 remodelled by addition of a new Treble and Tenor and resultant 4, 7 & 9/10 recast by T Mears in 1804 | 1745 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1745 by Daniel Hedderly |
London, London, S Sepulchre without Newgate, Holborn Viaduct | 10 | 29½ cwt | 1739 | Knight, Samuel | 1739 | Existing 10 recast by Samuel Knight in 1739 | 1830 | 6 & 10/10 recast by T Mears in 1830 | 1695 | Tenor recast in 1695 by an unknown founder |
Birmingham, W Mids, Cathedral | 10 | 29 cwt | 1772 | Pack & Chapman | 1772 | 5 & 10/10 recast in 1772 by P&C | 1937 | Existing 10 all recast by G&J in 1937 | 1751 | Existing 10 recast in 1750/1 by Thomas Lester |
Leicester, Leics, S Margaret | 10 | 28 3 11 | 1633 | Watts, Hugh II | 1738 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 (and resultant 3 & 4/10 recast) by Thomas Eayre in 1738 | 1921 | Existing 10 all recast and augmented to 12 by Taylor in 1921 | 1711 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Abraham Rudhall in 1711 |
Shoreditch, Gtr Lon, S Leonard | 10 | 28 3 10 | 1739 | Lester, Thomas | 1765 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Lester and Pack in 1765 | 1807 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by T Mears in 1807 | 1739 | Existing 5 replaced and augmented to 8 by Thomas Lester in 1739 |
Maidstone, Kent, All Saints | 10 | 28 2 13 | 1784 | Chapman & Mears | 1784 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 10 by Chapman & Mears in 1784 | 1840 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1840 | 1678 | Known to be 6 when Tenor cast by John and/or Christopher Hodson in 1678 |
Bury St Edmunds, Suff, Cathedral | 10 | 28 1 14 | 1785 | Osborn, Thomas | 1785 | 10 cast by T Osborn in 1785 | 1973 | Existing 10 all retuned and canons removed by Taylor in 1973 | ||
Beccles, Suff, The Bell Tower | 10 | 28 ¼ cwt | 1762 | Lester & Pack | 1762 | Existing 8 recast and augmented to 10 by L&P in 1762 | 1871 | Existing 10 rehung by G Day in 1871 when assumed canons removed | ||
High Wycombe, Bucks, All Saints | 10 | 28 cwt | 1711 | Phelps, Richard | 1788 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1788 by John Briant | 1802 | Existing 10 remodelled to a lighter 10 by scrapping existing Tenor, adding Treble and recasting resultant 2, 4, 8 & 10/10 in 1802 by T Mears | 1711 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by R Phelps in 1711 |
Lichfield, Staffs, Cathedral | 10 | 27 2 11 | 1764 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1764 | Tenor recast in 1764 by Thomas Rudhall | 1813 | Tenor recast in 1813 by Thomas Mears | 1688 | Existing 6 all recast and augmented to 10 in 1688 by Henry Bagley II |
Leeds, W Yorks, Minster Ch of St Peter | 10 | 27 0 19 | 1797 | Mears, Thomas I | 1797 | Existing 8 remodelled, recast and augmented to 10 by T Mears in 1797 | 1841 | Existing 10 replaced and augmented to 12 by T Mears in 1841 | 1742 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1742 and believed to be much lighter than replacement 10 |
Warwick, Warks, S Mary | 10 | 27 cwt | 1725 | Unknown | 1725 | Tenor recast in 1725 by an unknown founder | 1814 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1814 | 1703 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by A Rudhall in 1703 |
Painswick, Gloucs, S Mary V | 10 | 26 2 22 | 1731 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1731 | 10 cast by A Rudhall II in 1731 | 1819 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Abraham Rudhall in 1819 | ||
West Ham, Gtr Lon, All Saints | 10 | 26 cwt | 1737 | Knight, Samuel | 1752 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 7 & 8/10 recast by Robert Catlin in 1752 | 1846 | Tenor recast by C&G Mears in 1846 | 1737 | 8 cast by Samuel Knight in 1737 |
Westminster, Gtr Lon, S Margaret | 10 | 26 cwt | 1761 | Lester & Pack | 1761 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and Tenor recast in 1761 by L&P | 1939 | 1-4, 6 and 10/10 recast and all rehung by G&J in 1939 | 1739 | Existing (6 presumed) bells recast and augmented to 8 by S Knight and R Catlin in 1739 |
Kingston upon Thames, Gtr Lon, All Saints | 10 | 25 cwt | 1748 | Catlin, Robert | 1748 | Existing 8 recast and augmented to 10 by R Catlin in 1748 | 1830 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1830 | 1681 | Ring of 8 cast |
Wrexham, Wrexham, S Giles | 10 | 24¾ cwt | 1726 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1726 | 10 installed in 1726 by A Rudhall | 1907 | Existing 10 rehung and canons removed by M&S in 1907/8 | ||
Greenwich, Gtr Lon, S Alfege | 10 | 24 cwt | 1731 | Phelps, Richard | 1734 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by R Phelps n 1734 | 1824 | Tenor recast in 1824 by T Mears | 1731 | 8 installed by R Phelps in 1731 |
Macclesfield, Ches, Christ Church | 10 | 23 1 14 | 1777 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1777 | 10 cast by T Rudhall in 1777 | 1815 | Two Trebles removed due to Tower safety concerns and resultant 7/8 recast by William Dobson in 1815 | ||
Stonham Aspal, Suff, SS Mary & Lambert | 10 | 23 1 12 | 1745 | Lester, Thomas | 1745 | Tenor recast by T Lester in 1745 | 1954 | 8/10 recast and all restored in 1954 by G&J | 1743 | Existing 5 recast, remodelled and augmented to 10 by T Lester in 1742/3 |
Reading, Berks, S Laurence | 10 | 23 0 00 | 1748 | Catlin, Robert | 1748 | Existing 8 recast and augmented to 10 in 1748 by Robert Catlin | 1882 | 6, 7 & 10/10 recast by Taylor in 1882 | 1703 | Tenor recast in 1703 by an unknown founder |
Hertford, Herts, All Saints | 10 | 21 3 09 | 1771 | Pack & Chapman | 1791 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by John Briant in 1791 | 1891 | Church and bells destroyed by fire on 22 Dec 1891 | 1771 | Former 8 recast by P & C in 1771 |
St Albans, Herts, S Peter | 10 | 21 1 26 | 1729 | Phelps, Richard | 1787 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Richard Phelps in 1787 | 1868 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Warner in 1868 | 1729 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by R Phelps in 1729 |
London, London, S Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge | 10 | 21¼ cwt | 1714 | Phelps, Richard | 1718 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 between 1714 and 1718 | 1831 | Tenor recast by T Mears 1831 | 1714 | Previous bells cast into 8 by R Phelps in 1714 |
Leicester, Leics, Cathedral | 10 | 21 0 10 | 1781 | Arnold, Edward | 1787 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Edward Arnold in 1787 | 1937 | Existing 10 all recast and augmented to 12 in 1937 by Taylor | 1781 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by E Arnold in 1781 |
Ashton under Lyne, Gtr Man, S Michael & All Angels | 10 | 20 0 18 | 1779 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1790 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by John Rudhall in 1790 | 1818 | Existing 10 remodelled by adding Tenor, recasting resultant 3 & 7/10 and scrapping former 1/10 in 1818 by M&S | 1779 | Original 6 recast and augmented to 8 by T Rudhall in 1779 |
Oxford, Oxon, New College | 10 | 20 0 12 | 1655 | Darbie, Michael | 1712 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1712 by A Rudhall | 1870 | Canons removed c1842 - 1876 | 1655 | Existing 5 recast, remodelled and augmented to 8 by Michael Darbie in 1655 |
Bristol, Bristol, Christ Church | 10 | 20 cwt | 1716 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1727 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1727/8 by Abraham Rudhall II | 1716 | 8 installed in 1716 by Abraham Rudhall | ||
Worcester, Worcs, All Saints | 10 | 20 cwt | 1692 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1752 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Abel Rudhall in 1752 | 1805 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1805 | 1750 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Abel Rudhall in 1750 |
Stepney, Gtr Lon, S Dunstan & All Saints | 8 | 48 cwt | 1799 | Unknown | 1799 | Tenor recast in 1799 by unknown founder | 1807 | Existing 8 recast, remodelled and augmented to 10 by T Mears in 1807 | 1764 | Tenor recast in 1764 by unknown founder |
Yeovil, Som, S John Bapt | 8 | 44 2 08 | 1728 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1768 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Thomas Bilbie in 1768 | 1891 | Existing 8 augmented to 10, all rehung and canons removed by Warner in 1891 | 1728 | 3 and 6/6 recast by Thomas Bilbie in 1728 |
Wells, Som, Cathedral | 8 | 44 0 12 | 1757 | Rudhall, Abel | 1757 | Existing ring of 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1757 by Abel Rudhall | 1803 | Tenor recast by J Rudhall in 1803 | 1714 | Tenor recast in 1714 by Thomas Wroth |
Bristol, Bristol, S Mary V, Redcliffe | 8 | 41 cwt | 1622 | Purdue, Roger I | 1698 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1698 by Abraham Rudhall | 1823 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1823 by T Mears | 1622 | Known to be 6 by 1622 when Tenor cast by Roger Purdue |
Plymouth, Devon, S Andrew | 8 | 35 1 17 | 1749 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1749 | Existing 7 recast and augmented to 8 in 1749 by T Bilbie | 1840 | Tenor recast in 1840 by T Mears | 1709 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 7 in 1709 by an unknown founder |
Newcastle, T & W, Cathedral | 8 | 33 1 17 | 1754 | Lester & Pack | 1754 | Tenor recast in 1754 by Lester and Pack | 1892 | Existing 8 recast/replaced and augmented to 10 by Taylor in 1892 | 1717 | Existing 5 augmented to 8 in 1717 by Richard Phelps |
London, London, S Lawrence Jewry, Gresham Street | 8 | 32 0 11 | 1687 | Bartlet, James | 1710 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Richard Phelps in 1710 | 1930 | Existing 8 retuned and rehung in 1930 by M&S | 1687 | Tenor recast by J Bartlett in 1687 |
Bradford on Avon, Wilts, Holy Trinity | 8 | 31 0 18 | 1761 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1761 | Tenor recast by T Bilbie in 1761 | 1842 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1842 | 1735 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by William Cockey in 1735 |
Stepney, Gtr Lon, S George in the East | 8 | 30¼ cwt | 1751 | Lester, Thomas | 1751 | 8 cast in 1751 by Thomas Lester | 1820 | 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 & 8/8 recast in 1820 by T Mears | ||
Tenterden, Kent, S Mildred | 8 | 30¼ cwt | 1717 | Phelps, Richard | 1769 | Exsting 6 augmented to 8 by Lester & Pack in 1769 | 1884 | 2 & 6-8/8 recast by Warner in 1884 | 1717 | Existing 5 bells recast and augmented to 6 by R Phelps in 1717 |
Durham, Co Dur, Cathedral | 8 | 30 cwt | 1693 | Hodson, Christopher | 1693 | Existing 6 bells recast and augmented to 8 by C Hodson in 1693 | 1872 | Canons removed from 6-8/8 by Taylor in 1872 | ||
Wigan, Gtr Man, All Saints | 8 | 29 2 21 | 1774 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1774 | Tenor recast in 1774 by Thomas Rudhall | 1870 | Tenor recast by Taylor in 1870 | 1732 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by A Rudhall in 1732 |
King's Lynn, Norf, Minster Ch of S Margaret | 8 | 29 1 23 | 1766 | Lester & Pack | 1766 | Existing 8 recast in 1766 by L&P | 1887 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1887 by M&S | 1663 | Known to be 6 by 1663 |
Evesham, Worcs, The Bell Tower | 8 | 29 0 13 | 1631 | Oldfield, George I | 1741 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 and resultant 3-7/8 recast in 1741 by Abel Rudhall | 1821 | Tenor recast in 1821 by T Mears | 1664 | Known to be 6 by 1664 |
Cork, Eire, Cathedral | 8 | 29 0 05 | 1751 | Rudhall, Abel | 1751 | 8 cast in 1751 by Abel Rudhall | 1903 | 1-3/8 recast, rest retuned and all canons removed in 1903 by Taylor | ||
Winchester, Hants, Cathedral | 8 | 29 0 04 | 1734 | Phelps, Richard | 1734 | Existing 7 recast and augmented to 8 in 1734 by Richard Phelps | 1891 | Tenor recast by M&S 1891 | 1552 | Existing 8 reduced to 7 in 1553 by believed removal of 8/8 |
Totnes, Devon, S Mary | 8 | 29 cwt | 1732 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1732 | 8 cast in 1732 by Abraham Rudhall | 1863 | 5 & 8/8 recast in 1863 by Warner | ||
Doncaster, S Yorks, Minster Ch of S George | 8 | 29 cwt | 1721 | Hedderly, Daniel | 1749 | Tenor and 5 others retuned and 4 rehung by James Harrison in 1749 | 1834 | 1-6 & 8/8 recast in 1834 by T Mears | 1721 | Original 5 cast in 1720 by D Hedderly recast and augmented to 8 in 1721 by D Hedderly |
Bristol, Bristol, S Thomas M | 8 | 29 cwt | 1666 | Purdue, Roger II and Covey, William | 1756 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Thomas Bilbie in 1756 | 1894 | Tenor recast, remainder turned and all new fittings supplied in 1894 by Llewellins & James | 1743 | Believed to be 6 by 1743 when extant 3/8 cast by T Bilbie I |
Frome, Som, S John Bapt | 8 | 28½ cwt | 1662 | Lott, John | 1724 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1724 by William Cockey | 1937 | Existing 8 rehung and canons removed from 7 & 8/8 by G&J in 1937 | 1684 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 in 1684 probably by Lewis Cockey |
Bristol, Bristol, S Nicholas | 8 | 28 1 20 | 1764 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1764 | 8 installed in 1764 by Thomas Rudhall | 1804 | Tenor recast in 1804 by T Mears I | ||
Canterbury, Kent, Cathedral | 8 | 28 1 00 | 1778 | Pack & Chapman | 1778 | Tenor recast by P&C in 1778 | 1802 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by T Mears in 1802 | 1727 | Existing 6 replaced and augmented to 8 by S Knight in 1727 |
London, London, S Botolph without, Aldgate | 8 | 28 0 00 | 1764 | Lester & Pack | 1764 | 5-8/8 recast by L&P in 1764 | 1966 | Existing 8 retuned and rehung in 1966 by M&S | 1744 | 8 bells cast by L&P in 1744 |
Christchurch, Dorset, Priory | 8 | 28 cwt | 1730 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1755 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1755 by Abel Rudhall | 1885 | 3/8 recast, all rehung in frame for 10 and canons removed by Taylor in 1885 | 1730 | 5 and 6/6 recast by Abraham Rudhall in 1730 |
Clare, Suff, SS Peter & Paul | 8 | 28 cwt | 1695 | Newman, Charles | 1781 | 8 by 1781 when extant 1/8 cast by William Mears | 1695 | 6 by when Tenor cast by Charles Newman in 1695 | ||
Southwell, Notts, Cathedral | 8 | 27 3 27 | 1721 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1721 | Existing 8 recast by A Rudhall in 1721 | 1894 | Existing 8 all rehung and canons removed by Taylor in 1894 | 1712 | Former 8 destroyed by fire in 1711 recast by Thomas Clay in 1712 |
Newark, Notts, S Mary Magd | 8 | 27 3 20 | 1713 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1713 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by A Rudhall in 1713 | 1821 | Tenor recast by R Taylor & Son (St Neots) in 1821 | 1680 | Tenor recast by W Noone in 1680 |
Cork, Eire, S Ann, Shandon | 8 | 27 3 08 | 1750 | Rudhall, Abel | 1750 | 8 cast in 1750 by Abel Rudhall | 1908 | 1,2 & 8/8 recast in 1908 by Taylor | ||
London, London, S Andrew, Holborn | 8 | 27½ cwt | 1731 | Phelps, Richard | 1731 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by R Phelps in 1731 | 1921 | 5 & 8/8 recast in 1921 by M&S | 1587 | Existing 4 bells recast and augmented to 6 by Robert Mot in 1587 |
Salisbury, Wilts, S Thomas | 8 | 27 1 20 | 1716 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1771 | 1-7/8 recast by Robert Wells I in 1771 | 2004 | All retuned (by Whitechapel) and Canons removed from 5-8 by Whites of Appleton in 2003/4 | 1716 | Known to be 8 when 2 & 8/8 recast by A Rudhall in 1716 |
St Neots, Cambs, S Mary | 8 | 27 0 27 | 1764 | Eayre, Joseph | 1764 | Tenor recast in 1764 by J Eayre | 1832 | Tenor recast in 1832 by William Dobson | 1753 | Existing 6 recast, remodelled and augmented to 8 by J Eayre in 1753 |
Hitchin, Herts, S Mary | 8 | 27 0 05 | 1784 | Arnold, Edward | 1784 | Tenor recast by E Arnold in 1784 | 1902 | Existing 8 rehung and canons removed by Warner in 1902 | 1762 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by E Arnold in 1762 |
Oundle, Northants, S Peter | 8 | 26 3 11 | 1748 | Eayre, Thomas I | 1780 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Thomas Osborne in 1780 | 1869 | 1-3 & 8/8 recast by M&S in 1868/9 | 1748 | 6 by when Tenor recast in 1748 by T Eayre |
Woodbridge, Suff, S Mary V | 8 | 26 3 11 | 1799 | Osborn, Thomas | 1799 | Existing 8 recast and remodelled by Thomas Osborn in 1799 | 1934 | Existing 8 all retuned, rehung and canons removed by G&J in 1933/4 | 1721 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Richard Phelps in 1721 |
Bedford, Beds, S Paul | 8 | 26 3 07 | 1744 | Lester, Thomas | 1744 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 8 by T Lester in 1744 | 1896 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 5, 8 & 10/10 recast by Taylor in 1896 | ||
Reading, Berks, Minster Ch of S Mary V | 8 | 26 2 01 | 1640 | Knight, Ellis I | 1740 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1740 by Robert Catlin | 1929 | Existing 8 all retuned and canons removed by M&S in 1929 | 1640 | Tenor recast in 1640 by Ellis I Knight |
Pershore, Worcs, Abbey | 8 | 26½ cwt | 1729 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1729 | 8 installed by Abraham Rudhall in 1729 | 1897 | 4/8 recast and restortaion work carried out by Barwell in 1897 when presumed Canons removed from Tenor | ||
Leighton Buzzard, Beds, All Saints | 8 | 26 1 13 | 1787 | Mears, W & T | 1787 | Former 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1787 by W & T Mears | 1898 | Existing 8 all rehung and canons removed from 5-8/8 in 1898 by Webb and Bennett | 1634 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 in 1634 when Ellis Knight cast 1/6 |
Kidderminster, Worcs, S Mary & All Saints | 8 | 26 0 08 | 1779 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1779 | Tenor recast in 1779 by Thomas Rudhall | 1857 | Tenor recast in 1857 by C&G Mears | 1754 | 8 installed by Abel Rudhall in 1754 |
Windsor, Berks, Curfew Tower | 8 | 26 cwt | 1624 | Wallis, John | 1650 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 and resultant 3/8 recast in 1650 by William Whitmore | 1624 | Existing 5 (re) augmented to 6 with new Tenor in 1624 by John Wallis | ||
Keynsham, Som, S John Bapt | 8 | 26 cwt | 1669 | Purdue, William III & Roger II | 1731 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1731 by Thomas Bilbie | 1910 | Existing 8 all rehung with new fittings by Llewellins & James in 1910 when canons removed | 1669 | 6 by when Tenor cast by W & R Purdue in 1669 |
Crediton, Devon, Holy Cross | 8 | 26 cwt | 1774 | Pennington, John | 1774 | 8 cast in 1774 by John Pennington | 1814 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1814 | 1750 | Know that an existing 6 with a Tenor of 23 cwt were recast in 1774 so reflected by this event |
Ormskirk, Lancs, SS Peter & Paul | 8 | 25 2 26 | 1576 | Oldfield, Henry I | 1774 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 and resultant 7/8 recast by Thomas Rudhall in 1774 | 1948 | Former 1-7/8 recast and 8/8 replaced by Taylor in 1948 | 1714 | Ring remodelled by recasting former 1-3 & 5/5 into 6 making existing 4/5 the new Tenor in 1714 by Abraham Rudhall |
Halifax, W Yorks, Minster Ch of S John Bapt | 8 | 25 2 23 | 1787 | Mears, W & T | 1787 | Existing 8 all recast in 1787 by W& T Mears | 1814 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by T Mears in 1814 | 1722 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1722 |
Adderbury, Oxon, S Mary | 8 | 25 2 15 | 1789 | Briant, John | 1789 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1789 by John Briant | 1927 | Existing 8 all retuned, canons removed and rehung by Taylor in 1927 | 1750 | Known to be 6 when recast in 1789, shown as from 1750 |
Hatfield, Herts, S Etheldreda | 8 | 25 2 04 | 1786 | Briant, John | 1786 | Original 5 recast and augmented to 8 by John Briant in 1786 | 1929 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1929 by M&S | ||
Goudhurst, Kent, S Mary V | 8 | 25½ cwt | 1707 | Phelps, Richard | 1775 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Pack & Chapman in 1775 | 1834 | 2 and 8/8 recast by T Mears in 1834 | 1707 | Existing 6 recast by R Phelps in 1707 |
Bristol, Bristol, Priory Ch of S James | 8 | 25 1 14 | 1755 | Rudhall, Abel | 1755 | 8 installed in 1755 by Abel Rudhall | 1839 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1839 | 1700 | Known to be 6 when Tenor cast by Abraham Rudhall in 1700 |
Ludlow, Shrops, S Laurence | 8 | 25 1 11 | 1732 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1732 | Existing 6 had been augmented back to 8 at an unknown event when all were recast by A Rudhall in 1732 | 1823 | Tenor recast in 1823 by T Mears | 1694 | Existing ring of 8 reduced to 6 when Trebles removed in 1694 |
Oxford, Oxon, Merton College | 8 | 25 1 10 | 1680 | Hodson, Christopher | 1680 | Existing 8 all recast in 1680 by Christopher Hodson | 1657 | 8 cast in 1657 by Michael Darbie | ||
Great Yarmouth, Norf, Minster Ch of S Nicholas | 8 | 25 1 00 | 1660 | Unknown | 1726 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1726 by John Stephens | 1807 | Existing 8 all recast and augmented to 10 in 1807 by T Mears | 1670 | Known to be 6 by 1670 |
St Albans, Herts, Cathedral & Abbey | 8 | 25¼ cwt | 1699 | Wightman, Philip | 1730 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Lester & Pack in 1730 | 1872 | Rehung and canons removed in 1872 by unknown bell hanger | 1699 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 6 by Phillip Wightman in 1699 |
Kendal, Cumb, Holy Trinity | 8 | 25¼ cwt | 1631 | Stafford, Thomas | 1774 | Existing 6 remodelled by recasting existing 1-3 & 6/6 into 1-6/8 leaving former 4 & 5/6 as new 7 & 8/8 by Pack & Chapman in 1774 | 1816 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and canons removed in 1816 by T Mears | 1717 | Tenor recast by Samuel Smith in 1717 |
Bury St Edmunds, Suff, S Mary | 8 | 25 0 16 | 1734 | Phelps, Richard | 1734 | 8 cast in 1734 by Richard Phelps | 1975 | Existing 8 retuned, canons removed and hung for chiming only in 1975 by Taylor | ||
Romsey, Hants, Abbey | 8 | 25 0 08 | 1790 | Mears, W & T | 1791 | Former 6 replaced and augmented to 8 by W & T Mears in 1790/1 | 1932 | 3, 5 & 7/8 recast and remainder retuned in 1932 by M&S | 1624 | Existing 5 moved from separate campanile to Tower in 1624 |
Dublin, Eire, Christ Church Cathedral | 8 | 25 0 05 | 1738 | Rudhall, Abel | 1738 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1738 by Abel Rudhall | 1877 | Existing 8 re modelled and augmented to 10 by addition of a Treble and Tenor in 1877 by John Murphy | 1670 | 6 cast by Roger Purdue and William and Tobias Covey in 1670 |
Westminster, Gtr Lon, S Clement Danes | 8 | 25 cwt | 1693 | Wightman, William & Phillip | 1693 | 8 installed in 1693 by W & P Wightman | 1844 | Existing 8 augmented to 10, canons removed from Tenor and rehung by C Oliver in 1844 | ||
Gloucester, Gloucs, Cathedral | 8 | 25 cwt | 1736 | Rudhall, Abel | 1736 | Tenor recast in 1736 by Abel Rudhall | 1892 | Existing 8 restored and canons removed by Taylor in 1892 | 1692 | 8 by when Tenor cast by A Rudhall in 1692 |
Shepton Mallet, Som, SS Peter & Paul | 8 | 24 3 25 | 1773 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1773 | Existing 8 recast by Thomas Rudhall in 1773 | 1902 | Canons removed from Tenor when rehung on cast iron headstock by Llewellins & James in 1902 | 1703 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by A Rudhall in 1703 |
Northampton, Northants, S Giles | 8 | 24 2 16 | 1783 | Arnold, Edward | 1783 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by E Arnold in 1783 | 1895 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and all rehung by Taylor in 1895 | 1720 | Known to have been 6 by 1720 |
Kettering, Northants, SS Peter & Paul | 8 | 24 2 00 | 1718 | Eayre, Thomas I | 1718 | Tenor recast by T Eayre in 1718 | 1832 | Tenor of 8 recast by W & J Taylor in 1832 | 1714 | Existing 5 recast into 8 by R Sanders in 1714 |
Bishops Lydeard, Som, S Mary | 8 | 24½ cwt | 1776 | Pyke, Thomas | 1776 | The believed to be existing 6 were all recast and augmented to 8 by T Pyke in 1776 | 1902 | Existing 8 rehung in new frame and canons removed by Sully in 1902 | ||
Northampton, Northants, All Saints | 8 | 24½ cwt | 1782 | Chapman & Mears | 1782 | Exsiting 6 recast and augmented to 8 by Chapman and Mears in 1782 | 1906 | Existing 8 rehung in 1906 by Webb & Bennett and canons removed | 1677 | 6 cast by H Bagley in 1677 |
Cheltenham, Gloucs, Minster Ch of S Mary | 8 | 24 1 24 | 1697 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1697 | 8 cast by A Rudhall in 1697 | 1823 | Existing 8 recast by J Rudhall in 1823 | ||
Guildford, Surrey, Holy Trinity | 8 | 24 1 00 | 1779 | Lester, Pack and Chapman | 1779 | Tenor recast by Lester, Pack and Chapman in 1779 | 1912 | 1, 4, 7 and 8/8 recast by Taylor in 1912 | 1769 | Existing bell became Tenor for new 8 augmented in 1769 by Lester, Pack and Chapman |
Hackney, Gtr Lon, S John, S John at Hackney | 8 | 24 0 14 | 1786 | Patrick, Robert | 1786 | Existing 8 recast by Robert Patrick in 1786 | 1955 | Fire badly damaged church and all 8 bells in 1955 | 1743 | Original 6 recast and augmented to 8 by R Catlin in 1743 |
Chesterfield, Derbys, S Mary & All Saints | 8 | 24 cwt | Unknown | Unknown | 1718 | Existing 7 augmented to 8 in 1718 | 1819 | Existing 8 bells recast and augmented to 10 by T Mears in 1819 | 1700 | Existing 6 augmented to 7 in 1700 |
Wakefield, W Yorks, Cathedral | 8 | 24 cwt | 1779 | Pack & Chapman | 1779 | Existing 8 recast by P&C in 1779 | 1816 | Existing 8 all recast and augmented to 10 by T Mears in 1816 | 1740 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Sellar of York in 1740 |
Godalming, Surrey, SS Peter & Paul | 8 | 23 3 11 | 1746 | Lester, Thomas | 1792 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1792 by Thomas Mears | 1849 | Tenor recast in 1849 by C & G Mears | 1746 | 6 by 1746 when Tenor cast by T Lester |
Harrow on the Hill, Gtr Lon, S Mary | 8 | 23 3 09 | 1759 | Lester & Pack | 1779 | Existing 6 Augmented to 8 and resultant 4/8 recast by L&P in 1779 | 1869 | Overhauled by Warner in 1869 when canons removed from Tenor | 1759 | 6 when Tenor recast by L&P in 1759 |
Exeter, Devon, S Sidwell | 8 | 23 3 02 | 1773 | Pack & Chapman | 1773 | Existing 8 recast in 1773 by Pack and Chapman | 1891 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1891 by M&S | ||
Horsham, W Sussex, S Mary V | 8 | 23 3 00 | 1752 | Lester, Thomas | 1752 | Existing 6 recast and remodelled to augment to 8 in 1752 by T Lester | 1838 | Tenor recast in 1838 by T Mears | 1703 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 in 1703 by unknown founder |
Manchester, Gtr Man, Cathedral | 8 | 23¾ cwt | 1706 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1706 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1706 by Abraham Rudhall I | 1815 | Tenor recast in 1815 by John Rudhall | 1679 | Existing 5 replaced and augmented to 6 by W Noone in 1679 |
Saffron Walden, Essex, S Mary V | 8 | 23¾ cwt | 1798 | Briant, John | 1798 | Existing 8 recast in 1798 by John Briant | 1875 | Existing 8 all rehung and canons removed from Tenor in 1875 by Warner | 1754 | Known that existing 6 had been augmented to 8 by 1754 |
Ledbury, Herefs, S Michael & All Angels | 8 | 23 2 17 | 1736 | Rudhall, Abel | 1736 | Tenor recast by Abel Rudhall in 1736 | 1897 | Exiting 8 rehung and canons removed by Greenleaf in 1897 | 1690 | 8 cast in 1690 by A Rudhall |
Buckingham, Bucks, SS Peter & Paul | 8 | 23½ cwt | 1782 | Chapman & Mears | 1782 | New 8 cast by Chapman & Mears in 1782 | 1907 | Canons removed by Henry Bowell when ring overhauled in 1907 | 1776 | Existing 6 destroyed when tower collapsed on 26th March 1776 |
East Dereham, Norf, S Nicholas | 8 | 23 1 17 | 1753 | Lester & Pack | 1753 | Existing 6 recast into 8 by L&P in 1753 | 1957 | Tenor recast and all retuned and rehung by Taylor in 1957 | 1717 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 in 1717 by an unknown founder |
Walsall, W Mids, S Matthew | 8 | 23 1 16 | 1775 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1775 | Existing 6 recast, remodelled and augmented to 8 by Thomas Rudhall in 1775 | 1863 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Taylor in 1863 | 1721 | 6/6 recast by Joseph Smith in 1721 |
Tiverton, Devon, S Peter | 8 | 23 1 12 | 1736 | Evans, William | 1737 | 8 cast in 1736/7 by W Evans | 1923 | Existing 8 recast and rehung by Taylor in 1923 | ||
Denham, Bucks, S Mary V | 8 | 23¼ cwt | 1683 | Bartlet, James | 1683 | 8 cast by James Bartlett in 1683 | 1875 | Tenor recast in 1875 by Warner | 1637 | Known to have been 5 in 1637 |
Midsomer Norton, Som, S John Bapt | 8 | 23¼ cwt | 1750 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1750 | 1-3 and 8/8 recast by T Bilbie in 1750 | 1898 | New fittings supplied and canons removed by John Sully in 1898 | 1674 | Existing 5 augmented to 8 by an unknown founder in 1674 |
Beaminster, Dorset, S Mary | 8 | 23¼ cwt | 1765 | Bilbie, Thomas I, Thomas II and Abraham | 1765 | Existing 5 recast and remodelled into 8 by Thomas I, Thomas II and Abraham Bilbie in 1765 | 1887 | Canons removed from 6-8/8 by Taylor in 1887 | 1760 | Tenor recast by Richard Rock in 1760 |
Biddenden, Kent, All Saints | 8 | 23¼ cwt | 1712 | Phelps, Richard | 1784 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Robert Patrick in 1784 | 1915 | 1,2 & 7/8 recast, rehung and canons removed from others by Alfred Bowell in 1915 | 1712 | 6 by when 1 & 6/6 cast by Richard Phelps in 1712 |
Wye, Kent, SS Gregory & Martin | 8 | 23 0 15 | 1774 | Pack & Chapman | 1774 | Existing 8 all recast by P&C in 1774 | 1914 | 6/8 recast, remainder retuned, canons removed and rehung in new 10 bell frame by Warner in 1913/14 | 1734 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Richard Phelps in 1734 |
Great Tew, Oxon, S Michael & All Angels | 8 | 23 0 14 | 1709 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1709 | 8 cast in 1709 by A Rudhall | 1924 | Existing 8 all rehung and canons removed by M&S in 1924 | ||
Ipswich, Suff, S Mary le Tower | 8 | 23 cwt | 1610 | Graye, Miles I | 1688 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Christopher Hodson in 1688 | 1812 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 (cast by T Mears II) by John Naunton in 1812 | 1671 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 and resultant 3 & 5/6 recast by John Darbie in 1671 |
Wolverhampton, W Mids, Collegiate Ch of S Peter | 8 | 23 cwt | 1698 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1698 | 8 cast by A Rudhall in 1698 | 1827 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 4/10 recast by T Mears in 1827 | ||
Cranbrook, Kent, S Dunstan | 8 | 23 cwt | 1718 | Phelps, Richard | 1718 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by R Phelps in 1718 | 1801 | All 8 recast by T Mears in 1801 | 1715 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 6 by R Phelps |
Louth, Lincs, S James | 8 | 23 cwt | 1726 | Hedderly, Daniel | 1726 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1726 by D Hedderly | 1818 | Tenor recast by J Harrison in 1818 | 1654 | Believed to be 6 by 1654 |
Folkestone, Kent, S Mary V | 8 | 23 cwt | 1778 | Pack & Chapman | 1778 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by P&C in 1778 | 1879 | Existing 8 recast and rehung by Taylor in 1879 | 1724 | Known to be 6 by when Tenor cast in 1724 by J Waylett |
Great Waltham, Essex, S Mary & S Lawrence | 8 | 22 3 27 | 1663 | Hodson, John | 1796 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by T Mears in 1796 | 1936 | All rehung by Taylor in 1936 | 1684 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 in 1684 by John Darbie |
Wakefield, W Yorks, S John | 8 | 22 3 24 | 1794 | Mears, Thomas I | 1794 | 8 installed by T Mears in 1794 | 1883 | Existing 8 removed from tower in 1883 and rehung dead for chiming in 1901 | ||
Tewkesbury, Gloucs, Abbey | 8 | 22 3 24 | 1796 | Rudhall, John | 1796 | Tenor recast by J Rudhall in 1796 | 1837 | 5 & 8/8 recast, others retuned (by T Mears) and all rehung by Cull in 1837 | 1696 | Previous 6 recast and augmented to 8 by A Rudhall in 1696 |
Coventry, W Mids, Holy Trinity | 8 | 22 3 07 | 1776 | Pack & Chapman | 1776 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1776 by P&C | 1898 | Tenor recast in 1898 by Taylor | 1658 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 in 1658 (probably by Bryan Eldridge) |
Trowbridge, Wilts, S James | 8 | 22¾ cwt | 1800 | Wells, James | 1800 | Existing bells all recast and augmented to 8 by James Wells in 1800 | 1870 | Tenor recast in 1870 by W Blews | ||
London, London, S Dunstan-in-the-East | 8 | 22 2 24 | 1700 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1700 | New ring of 8 cast by Abraham Rudhall in 1700 | 1941 | Church and existing 8 damaged on 10 May 1941 | ||
Redenhall, Norf, BVM | 8 | 22 2 20 | 1514 | Unknown | 1737 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Richard Phelps in 1736/7 | 1717 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 by John Stephens in 1717 | ||
Ware, Herts, S Mary V | 8 | 22½ cwt | Unknown | Unknown | 1731 | Believed that existing bells recast and augmented to 8 by Richard Phelps in 1731 but insufficient evidence to confirm included Tenor at that time | 1834 | Tenor recast in 1834 by T Mears | 1552 | Known to have been 5 in 1552 |
Ashford, Kent, S Mary V | 8 | 22½ cwt | 1796 | Mears, Thomas I | 1796 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1796 | 1924 | Canons removed by G&J in 1924 during overhaul | 1762 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Lester & Pack in 1762 |
Watford, Herts, S Mary | 8 | 22 1 16 | 1750 | Lester, Thomas | 1750 | Original 6 recast and augmented to 8 by T Lester in 1750 | 1919 | Existing 8 recast by G & J in 1919 | 1705 | Known that 5 & 6/6 recast in 1705 by an unknown founder |
Lancaster, Lancs, Priory | 8 | 22 1 14 | 1744 | Rudhall, Abel | 1755 | Existing 8 rehung when rebuilt Tower completed in 1755 | 1886 | Existing 8 recast, remodelled by addition of Tenor and rehung by Taylor in 1885/6 | 1753 | Existing 8 removed in 1753 while Tower rebuilt |
Dunster, Som, S George | 8 | 22 1 08 | 1782 | Davis, George | 1782 | 5 & 8/8 recast by George Davis in 1782 | 1875 | 1/8 recast and all rehung in 1875 by Warner | 1766 | 1 & 8/8 recast by Thomas Bayley in 1766 |
Tavistock, Devon, S Eustachius | 8 | 22 1 06 | 1769 | Bilbie, Thomas II | 1769 | 8 cast in 1769 by T Bilbie | 1925 | Existing 8 recast by Taylor in 1925 | ||
Newbury, Berks, S Nicolas | 8 | 22¼ cwt | 1724 | Corr, R | 1724 | Tenor recast by R Corr in 1724 | 1803 | Existing 8 recast by J Wells in 1803 | 1680 | Exsting 6 recast and augmented to 8 by Henry Knight in 1680 |
Great Budworth, Ches, S Mary & All Saints | 8 | 22¼ cwt | 1760 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1760 | Tenor recast by Thomas Rudhall in 1760 | 1887 | All rehung and canons removed in 1887 by Llewellins & James | 1733 | Existing 4 bells recast, remodelled and augmented to 8 by A Rudhall in 1733 |
Newport Pagnell, Bucks, SS Peter & Paul | 8 | 22 0 13 | 1749 | Lester, Thomas | 1749 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 8 by L&P in 1749 | 1819 | Tenor recast in 1819 by T Mears | 1700 | Assumed to be 5 by 1700 |
Dorking, Surrey, S Martin | 8 | 22 0 07 | 1746 | Catlin, Robert | 1746 | Known to be 8 when Tenor recast by R Catlin in 1746 | 1998 | Existing 8 replaced with lighter 10 cast by Taylor in 1998 | ||
Ross on Wye, Herefs, S Mary V | 8 | 22 0 03 | 1770 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1770 | Tenor of 8 recast by Thomas Rudhall in 1770 | 1977 | 6/8 recast, all retuned and canons removed by Taylor in 1977 | ||
Croydon, Gtr Lon, Minster Ch of S John Bapt | 8 | 22 cwt | 1738 | Lester, Thomas | 1739 | 8 installed by T Lester in 1738/9 | 1836 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1836 | ||
Battle, E Sussex, S Mary | 8 | 22 cwt | 1739 | Lester, Thomas | 1739 | 8 cast by Thomas Lester in 1739 | 1825 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1825 | ||
Chelmsford, Essex, Cathedral | 8 | 22 cwt | 1777 | Mears, William & Co | 1777 | Existing 8 recast in 1777 by W Mears & Co | 1820 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by William Dobson in 1820 | ||
Alton, Hants, S Lawrence | 8 | 22 cwt | 1785 | Janaway, Thomas | 1785 | Existing ring recast into 8 by T Janaway in 1785 | 1926 | Existing 8 all recast by G&J in 1926 | 1742 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 with new Tenor and resultant 1/6 recast in 1742 by T Lester |
Clerkenwell, Gtr Lon, S James | 8 | 21 3 26 | 1791 | Mears, Thomas I | 1791 | Existing 6 replaced by remodelled 8 in 1791 by T Mears I | 1928 | Existing 8 all recast in 1928 by G&J | 1788 | Former church demolished in 1788 |
Hadleigh, Suff, S Mary | 8 | 21 3 25 | 1680 | Graye, Miles III | 1680 | 8 by 1680 when Tenor cast by Miles Graye | 1977 | All retuned, rehung and restored by Taylor in 1977 | ||
Sonning, Berks, S Andrew | 8 | 21 3 23 | 1641 | Knight, Ellis I | 1778 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1778 | 1912 | 1-3/8 recast, all rehung and canons removed by Taylor in 1912 | 1711 | Known to be 6 by 1711 |
Chipping Campden , Gloucs, S James | 8 | 21 3 16 | 1678 | Keene, Richard | 1678 | Former 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1678 by Richard Keene | 1857 | Tenor recast by C & G Mears in 1857 | 1665 | Known to be 6 by 1665 |
Shrewsbury, Shrops, S Mary V | 8 | 21 3 08 | 1775 | Pack & Chapman | 1775 | Former 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1775 by P&C | 1811 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1811 by Thomas Mears | 1740 | Known to be 6 by 1740 |
Aylesbury, Bucks, S Mary | 8 | 21 3 06 | 1773 | Pack & Chapman | 1773 | Existing 6 recast or exchanged and augmented to 8 in 1773 by P&C | 1850 | Tenor recast in 1850 by C&G Mears | 1714 | Known to be 6 by 1714 (although possibly from 1633) |
Plymouth, Devon, Charles Church | 8 | 21 3 06 | 1782 | Chapman & Mears | 1782 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1782 by Chapman & Mears | 1856 | 1,7 & 8/8 recast in 1856 by C&G Mears | 1709 | 6 cast in 1709 by R Phelps |
Stowmarket, Suff, SS Peter & Mary | 8 | 21¾ cwt | 1622 | Graye, Miles I | 1791 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1791 by Thomas Osborn | 1894 | Existing 8 rehung in new frame and fittings and canons removed by Henry Bowell & Sons in 1894 | 1691 | Known to be 6 in 1691 when John Darbie cast 1/6 |
Boxford, Suff, S Mary | 8 | 21 2 20 | 1718 | Thornton, John | 1718 | Known to be 8 by when Tenor cast by John Thornton in 1718 (8 by 1714) | 1997 | 1 & 2/8 recast, remainder retuned and all rehung by Taylor in 1996/7 | ||
Toddington, Beds, S George | 8 | 21 2 14 | 1792 | Mears, Thomas I | 1792 | 8 cast in 1792 by P&C | 1906 | 2-6/8 recast, all rehung and canons removed from Tenor by Warner in 1906 | ||
Sevenoaks, Kent, S Nicholas | 8 | 21 2 02 | 1769 | Pack & Chapman | 1769 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by P&C in 1769 | 1897 | 2, 4, 5 & 7/8 recast and all rehung by Warner in 1897 | ||
Lambourn, Berks, S Michael & All Angels | 8 | 21½ cwt | 1637 | Purdue, Roger I | 1742 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1742 by Henry Bagley III | 1892 | Existing 8 all rehung and canons removed by Warner in 1892 | 1639 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 in 1639 possibly by John Wiseman |
East Hagbourne, Oxon, S Andrew | 8 | 21½ cwt | 1781 | Wells, Robert I | 1781 | Known to be 8 when Tenor cast by Robert Wells in 1781 | 1927 | All rehung and canons removed from Tenor by M&S in 1927 | ||
Hillingdon, Gtr Lon, S John Bapt | 8 | 21 1 23 | 1788 | Mears, W & T | 1788 | 5-8/8 recast by W & T Mears in 1788 | 1911 | Existing 8 recast and augmented to 10 by G&J in 1911 | 1776 | Existing 8 recast by P&C in 1776 |
Bridgwater, Som, S Mary | 8 | 21 1 21 | 1721 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1745 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1745 by Thomas Bayley | 1838 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1838 | 1721 | Known to be 6 by 1721 when 4-6/6 recast by Abraham Rudhall II |
Lenham, Kent, S Mary | 8 | 21 1 18 | 1686 | Bartlet, James | 1751 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 and resultant 7/8 recast by Robert Catlin in 1751 | 1959 | 1 & 7/8 recast (in 1958) and all rehung and retuned in 1959 by Taylor | 1709 | Known to be 6 when 1 & 2/6 recast by R Phelps in 1709 |
Ash next Sandwich, Kent, S Nicholas | 8 | 21 1 09 | 1790 | Mears, Thomas I | 1790 | Existing 8 recast by T Mears I in 1790 | 1927 | 5 & 8/8 recast and all retuned by M&S in 1927 | 1778 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 8 in 1778 by Thomas Swain |
Wallingford, Oxon, S Mary le More | 8 | 21 1 07 | 1738 | Phelps & Lester | 1738 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1738 by Phelps & Lester | 1887 | 2/8 recast and canons removed from Tenor by M&S in 1887 | ||
Dorchester, Dorset, S Peter | 8 | 21¼ cwt | 1734 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1734 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 8 by T Bilbie in 1734 | 1889 | 4, 6 & 7/8 recast, canons removed from remainder and all rehung by Warner in 1889 | ||
Hexham, Northumb, Abbey | 8 | 21¼ cwt | 1742 | Lester, Thomas | 1742 | Existing 6 cast into 8 by Thomas Lester in 1742 | 1924 | Tenor recast in 1924 by M&S | ||
Headcorn, Kent, SS Peter & Paul | 8 | 21¼ cwt | 1732 | Knight, Samuel | 1766 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 and rehung by Lester & Pack in 1766 | 1922 | 1 and 4/8 recast and 7 & 8/8 rehung and canons removed from Tenor by Alfred Bowell in 1922 | 1732 | Known to be 6 by when 1 & 6/6 cast by Samuel Knight in 1732 |
Beverley, E Yorks, Minster Ch of SS John & Martin | 8 | 21 0 20 | 1400 | B…,I… | 1747 | Known to be 8 by 1747 when 1 & 2/8 cast by Thomas Lester | 1901 | Old 8 recast / replaced and augmented to 10 from 1896 to 1901 by Taylor | 1552 | Known to have been 6 in 1552 |
Calne, Wilts, S Mary V | 8 | 21 0 20 | 1783 | Wells, Robert II | 1783 | 8 by 1783 when Tenor cast by R Wells | 1989 | Tenor recast in 1989 by Whitechapel | ||
Liverpool, Mers, St Peter Pro Cathedral | 8 | 21 0 14 | 1707 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1724 | Existing 4 augmented to 8 by A Rudhall in 1724 | 1829 | Existing 8 recast by T Mears in 1829 | 1707 | 4 cast by A Rudhall in 1707 |
Limerick, Eire, Cathedral | 8 | 21 0 05 | 1673 | Purdue, William III, Roger II and Coveys | 1703 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1703 by unknown founder | 1930 | Tenor recast in 1930 by Taylor | 1673 | 6 cast in 1673 by William III & Roger II Purdue and the Coveys |
Dublin, Eire, St Patrick’s Cathedral | 8 | 21 cwt | 1670 | Purdue, William III and John | 1670 | 8 cast in 1670 by William III and John Purdue | 1897 | Existing 8 remodelled by recasting 1, 2, 4-7/8 and augmenting to heavier 10 in 1897 by Taylor | ||
Shrewsbury, Shrops, Holy Cross | 8 | 21 cwt | 1713 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1713 | Tenor recast by Abraham Rudhall I in 1713 | 1909 | Existing 8 rehung without wheels in 1909 | 1682 | Tenor recast by Thomas Roberts in 1682 |
Kingston upon Hull, E Yorks, Minster Ch of the Holy Trinity | 8 | 21 cwt | 1727 | Penn, Henry | 1727 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by Henry Penn in 1727 | 1821 | Tenor recast in 1821 by J Harrison | 1710 | Known to have been 6 by 1710 |
Barking, Gtr Lon, S Margaret | 8 | 21 cwt | 1746 | Catlin, Robert | 1746 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by Robert Catlin in 1746 | 1871 | Tenor recast by Warner in 1871 | ||
Almondsbury, Gloucs, S Mary V | 8 | 21 cwt | 1743 | Rudhall, Abel | 1751 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Abel Rudhall in 1751 | 1881 | 6/8 recast by Llewellins & James and canons removed from Tenor in 1881 | 1743 | Existing 5 all recast and augmented to 6 by Abel Rudhall in 1743 |
Kensington, Gtr Lon, S Mary Abbots | 8 | 21 cwt | 1772 | Janaway, Thomas | 1772 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by Thomas Janaway in 1772 | 1879 | Existing 8 remodelled by augmenting to 10 by adding new Treble and Tenor, recasting resultant 7/10 and rehanging all in 1879 by Warner | ||
Portsmouth, Hants, Cathedral | 8 | 20 3 16 | 1730 | Phelps, Richard | 1730 | Tenor recast in 1730 by R Phelps | 1912 | Existing 8 all recast and rehung in 1912 by Taylor | 1703 | 8 cast by A Rudhall in 1703 and hung by Samuel Shepherdson of Spondon, Derbys |
Burton upon Trent, Staffs, S Modwen | 8 | 20 3 03 | 1726 | Rudhall, Abraham II | 1726 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 8 by A Rudhall in 1726 | 1903 | Existing 8 all retuned, rehung and canons removed by Taylor in 1903 | ||
Birmingham, W Mids, SS Peter & Paul, Aston | 8 | 20 3 03 | 1776 | Pack & Chapman | 1776 | Existing 5 recast into 8 in 1775/6 by P&C | 1814 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 6 & 10/10 recast in 1814 by T Mears | 1552 | Known to be 5 by 1552 until 1776 with Tenor approx 18 cwt |
Nottingham, Notts, S Peter | 8 | 20 3 02 | 1771 | Pack & Chapman | 1771 | Existing 8 recast by P&C in 1771 | 1919 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 3-5/10 retuned by Taylor in 1919 | 1662 | 8 by 1662 (aug by ?) |
Colchester, Essex, S Peter | 8 | 20 3 00 | 1763 | Lester & Pack | 1763 | 8 cast by L&P in 1763 | 1893 | Existing 8 retuned and rehung by Bowell & Son in 1893 | ||
Lewisham, Gtr Lon, S Mary | 8 | 20¾ cwt | 1777 | Pack & Chapman | 1777 | Existing 8 remodelled by addition of Treble and Tenor and recasting resultant 5/8 by P&C in 1777 | 1766 | 8 installed by L&P in 1766 | ||
Cullompton, Devon, S Andrew | 8 | 20 2 23 | 1746 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1770 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Abraham Bilbie in 1770 | 1920 | Existing 8 augmented to 10, resultant 3, 4 & 8/10 recast, canons removed and all rehung by Taylor in 1920 | 1746 | Assumed that existing 7 had been reduced to 6 when existing 3-6/6 recast by T Bilbie in 1746 |
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