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City of Aberdeen
S Nicholas
Current / Most recent Ring / Bells and Event
48 | 89 3 26 | 1954 | Existing Carillon of 37 augmented to 48 by G&J in 1954 |
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No in Ring | Tenor Weight | Weight Type | Weight Date | Tenor Date | Tenor Founder | Event Year | Event | Notes | Source |
8 | 32 2 24 | Sup | 1858 | 1858 | Warner | 1858 | Existing 5 of 1803 remodelled and augmented to 8 by addition of 2 Trebles and a Tenor in 1858 by Warner | MASp Supw | RWMC, Keltek Chimes sheet 07/20, RW 2004/874, CJP |
8 | 32 2 24 | Sup | 1858 | 1858 | Warner | 1874 | Existing 8 destroyed by fire in 1874 | MASp Supw | Keltek Chimes sheet, RW 2004/874, CJP |
37 | 54 0 00 | Scr | 1952 | 1885 | Van Aerschodt, A L J | 1885 | Former ring of 8 replaced by 37 bell Carillon in 1885 by Van Aerschodt | VA records give 2700kg (53 0 17½). Gorham gives 6578 lbs (58 2 26). Scrw 54 0 00. Former ring of 8 destroyed in 1874. |, CJP |
37 | 89 3 26 | Sup | 1952 | 1952 | Gillett & Johnston | 1952 | Former Carillon of 37 recast by G&J in 1952 |, RMWC | |
48 | 89 3 26 | Sup | 1952 | 1952 | Gillett & Johnston | 1954 | Existing Carillon of 37 augmented to 48 by G&J in 1954 |, RMWC |

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