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City of Aberdeen
S Nicholas
Current / Most recent Ring / Bells and Event
12 | 18 1 01 | 2021 | Former 10 replaced by former 10 from St John, Hanley, Staffs and augmented to 12 (cast by Westley Group) due to be in 2021 |
12 | 25 1 01 | 2020 | Existing 8 augmented to 12 and restored by Taylor in 2020 |
10 | 16 0 03 | 2020 | Existing 8 retuned and augmented to 10 by Taylor in 2020 |
8 | 23 1 19 | 2020 | Existing 8 restored, retuned and rehung in 2020 by Matthew Higby |
10 | 19 3 06 | 2020 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 4 & 7/10 recast (cast by Westley Group) by Whites of Appleton in 2020 |
8 | 23 0 03 | 2020 | Restoration to existing 8 including fitting new canon retaining headstocks for 4-6 & 8/8 completed by Whites of Appleton in 2020 |
10 | 10 2 27 | 2020 | Existing 10 retuned by Whites of Appleton in 2020 |
8 | 9 2 15 | 2019 | Existing 8 replaced with lighter 8 (cast by the Westley Group) in 2019 by Whites of Appleton |
10 | 18 2 22 | 2019 | Existing 10 removed in 2019 (and subsequently transferred to St Mary, Stafford where augmented to 12) |
12 | 25 2 03 | 2019 | Former chime of 8 augmented to 12 and rehung for change ringing by Taylor in 2019 |
10 | 21 1 17 | 2019 | Former two bells from Prinknash Abbey transferred to replace existing 7 & 10/10 and remainder all retuned in 2019 by Whites of Appleton |
8 | 22 1 17 | 2018 | Existing 8 removed in 2018 |
12 | 61 2 02 | 2018 | Existing 12 all restored by Taylor in 2018 |
8 | 18 1 09 | 2018 | Existing 8 removed in 2018 |
12 | 34 3 12 | 2018 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 (cast by Taylor) by Whites of Appleton in 2018 |
10 | 15 3 24 | 2017 | Former 8 replaced by lighter 10 in 2017 by Taylor |
8 | 24 0 04 | 2017 | Existing 8 replaced in 2017 by Taylor |
8 | 21 2 17 | 2017 | Existing 8 removed in April 2017 |
10 | 21 1 03 | 2017 | Existing 10 retuned and rehung by Taylor in 2017 |
12 | 21 2 01 | 2017 | Existing 12 replaced (cast by Taylor) and rehung by Whites of Appleton in 2017 |
12 | 48 3 01 | 2016 | 7 & 12/12 recast, all restored and rehung by Taylor in 2016 |
12 | 27 2 18 | 2016 | Existing 12 all recast/replaced and rehung by Taylor in 2016 |
10 | 27 3 24 | 2016 | 1-4/10 recast and all retuned and rehung by Taylor in 2016 |
8 | 23 0 00 | 2016 | Existing 8 all rehung and canons removed in 2015/6 by Taylor |
10 | 24 0 00 | 2016 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Taylor in 2016 |
15 | 27 1 25 | 2016 | Existing 14 augmented to 15 by Taylor in 2016 |
8 | 18 1 13 | 2016 | Existing 8 retuned and canons removed by Whitechapel in 2016 |
10 | 21 0 03 | 2015 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and retuned by Whitechapel in 2015 |
8 | 16 3 16 | 2015 | Restored by Taylor in 2015 and revised Tenor weight given |
10 | 22 1 00 | 2014 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Taylor in 2014 |
8 | 18 0 18 | 2014 | Existing 8 retuned (at Whitechapel) and canons removed by Nicholsons in 2014 |
12 | 40 0 23 | 2014 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 and 9/12 recast in 2013/4 by Whitechapel |
12 | 21 1 15 | 2013 | Further retuning and restoration work carried out to existing 12 by Whitechapel in 2013 |
8 | 25 0 21 | 2013 | Existing 8 removed (and transferred to Gorran, Cornwall and augmented to 10 by Taylor) in 2013 |
10 | 21 1 11 | 2013 | Existing 3 and 5-9/10 recast and remainder retuned by Taylor in 2013 |
12 | 17 0 16 | 2012 | Existing 10 remodelled and augmented to 12 by removing existing 7 & 10/10 and adding four Trebles (cast by Whitechapel) by Whites of Appleton in 2012 |
12 | 29 2 20 | 2012 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Whitechapel in 2012 |
12 | 32 1 11 | 2012 | Augmented to (a diatonic) 12 in 2012 by Taylor |
8 | 26 3 26 | 2012 | Existing 8 restored in 2012 by Taylor including retuning and all canons removed |
12 | 26 3 15 | 2012 | Existing 12 recast (by Whitechapel) and rehung by Whites of Appleton in 2012 |
8 | 18 1 05 | 2012 | Existing 8 restored by Whitechapel and canons removed in 2012 |
12 | 32 1 06 | 2011 | Existing 12 all replaced or recast and rehung by Taylor in 2011 |
12 | 27 2 05 | 2011 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor in 2011 |
6 | 20 0 07 | 2011 | Existing 6 all retuned (by Whitechapel) and restored by Whites of Appleton in 2011 |
12 | 33 3 10 | 2011 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 in 2011 by Taylor |
8 | 21 2 07 | 2011 | Existing 8 all retuned (by Whitechapel) and rehung by Andrew Nicholson in 2011 |
12 | 24 3 16 | 2011 | Existing 12 damaged by Earthquake 22 Feb 2011 |
10 | 19 2 08 | 2011 | Existing 10 restored by Nicholson Engineering and Tenor weight revised in 2011 |
12 | 21 0 19 | 2010 | Existing 12 replaced / recast by Whitechapel in 2010 |
12 | 25 2 00 | 2009 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor, Eayre & Smith in 2009 |
10 | 24 0 09 | 2009 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 (Trebles cast by Whitechapel in 2008) and rehung by Whites of Appleton in 2009 |
10 | 16 2 16 | 2009 | Ring remodelled and augmented to 10 with existing 7/8 as resultant Tenor, new 1 & 2/10 transferred from Kidderminster and resultant 3,4 & 8/10 recast (by Whitechapel) by Andrew Nicholson in 2009 |
10 | 21 2 23 | 2009 | 10 cast in 2008 and installed in 2009 by Whitechapel |
12 | 26 3 09 | 2009 | New 12 cast and installed by Whitechapel in 2008/9 |
12 | 24 1 01 | 2009 | Existing 12 replaced / recast and rehung by Taylor in 2009 |
8 | 22 0 13 | 2009 | Existing 8 retuned (by Whitechapel) and existing canons removed (including Tenor) by Matthew Higby in 2009 |
8 | 20 3 05 | 2008 | Existing 8 restored by Whites of Appleton (including retune by Whitechapel) in 2008 |
8 | 19 3 14 | 2008 | Existing 8 restored by Robert Parker in 2008 |
12 | 41 1 15 | 2008 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor, Eayre & Smith in 2008 |
12 | 23 0 24 | 2008 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 (cast by Taylor, Eayre and Smith) by Hayward Mills in 2008 |
12 | 19 1 06 | 2008 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylors in 2008 |
6 | 19 2 10 | 2008 | All retuned by Taylors, Eayre and Smith in 2008 |
12 | 27 0 20 | 2007 | Existing 8 augmented to 12 (cast by Taylor, Eayre and Smith) by Matthew Higby in 2007 |
8 | 22 1 17 | 2007 | Existing 8 retuned (by Whitechapel) and rehung and restored by Whites of Appleton in 2007 |
8 | 20 1 24 | 2007 | Restoration carried out by Taylor, Eayre and Smith in 2007 including retuning all and removing canons from 1, 2 and 8/8 |
10 | 30 2 02 | 2006 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 2006 by Taylor, Eayre and Smith |
10 | 23 1 15 | 2006 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Whitechapel in 2006 |
10 | 21 2 24 | 2006 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 10/10 recast (cast by Taylor) in 2006 by Hayward Mills |
12 | 23 3 17 | 2006 | Ring of 12 installed by Taylor, Eayre & Smith in 2006 |
12 | 23 2 24 | 2006 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylors, Eayre and Smith in 2006 |
10 | 17 0 04 | 2006 | Existing 8 replaced and remodlled to a lighter 10 in 2006 by Taylor, Eayre & Smith |
10 | 16 0 05 | 2006 | Existing 10 replaced by Whitechapel and rehung by Whites of Appleton in 2006 |
8 | 19 3 02 | 2006 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 and all rehung by Taylor, Eayre & Smith in 2006 |
12 | 26 2 23 | 2006 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Whitechapel in 2006 |
6 | 19 0 23 | 2006 | Existing 6 retuned and Doncaster canons removed by Nicholson Engineering in 2006 |
8 | 24 0 05 | 2005 | Existing 3 replaced with 8 cast by G&J in 1938 and Whitechapel in 2004/5 by Matthew Higby |
10 | 18 2 12 | 2005 | Existing 10 all rehung by Taylor in 2004/5 and pad added to Tenor |
10 | 28 1 04 | 2005 | 9/10 recast, all retuned and rehung by Taylor in 2005 |
12 | 21 1 02 | 2004 | Existing 12 replaced by Whitechapel in 2004 |
12 | 21 3 03 | 2004 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor in 2003/4 |
8 | 14½ cwt | 2004 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 2004 by Whitechapel |
10 | 16 1 06 | 2004 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Whitechapel in 2004 |
8 | 25 0 18 | 2004 | Existing 8 retuned (by Whitechapel) and Canons removed from 5-8/8 by Whites of Appleton in 2003/4 |
10 | 31 2 12 | 2004 | Previous 8 replaced and augmented to 10 (plus 2 extra trebles) cast by Taylor and hung by Eayre & Smith in 2004 |
8 | 20 0 15 | 2003 | All retuned (by Whitechapel) and rehung by Robert Parker in 2003 |
12 | 17 1 10 | 2003 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 (cast by Whitechapel) by Eayre & Smith in 2003. |
10 | 22 0 27 | 2003 | Existing 10 all retuned in 2003 by Hayward Mills |
10 | 21 2 08 | 2003 | New 10 installed by Taylor in 2003 |
10 | 22 3 00 | 2003 | Existing 10 retuned and canons removed by Taylor in 2003 |
12 | 25 2 00 | 2003 | Ring replaced in 2003 by Taylor |
10 | 18 3 26 | 2003 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 (cast by Whitechapel) by Whites of Appleton in 2003 |
10 | 20 1 00 | 2002 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 2002 by Whitechapel to G&J profiles |
6 | 20 0 14 | 2002 | Existing 6 all retuned (by Whitechapel) and rehung in 2002 by Andrew Nicholson |
8 | 22 0 26 | 2002 | 1-3 replaced, 6/8 recast and all restored by Taylor in 2002 |
6 | 19 2 14 | 2001 | Existing 6 all retuned and rehung by Andrew Nicholson in 2001 |
10 | 24 3 25 | 2001 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Whitechapel in 2001 |
10 | 30 3 06 | 2001 | 1 & 2/10 recast and all retuned in 2001 by Whitechapel |
12 | 30 0 20 | 2001 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Whitechapel in 2001 |
10 | 21 0 03 | 2001 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Taylor in 2001 |
10 | 24 2 05 | 2001 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 2001 by Taylor |
10 | 24 1 07 | 2000 | Existing 8 remodelled and augmented to 10 by transferring new Tenor from chime at Mosseley Hill, adding new Treble and recasting resultant 3 & 9/10 in 2000 by Taylor |
12 | 21 0 06 | 2000 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 in 2000 by Taylor |
10 | 26 3 16 | 2000 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 (cast by Taylor) in 2000 by Andrew Nicholson |
8 | 20 3 14 | 1999 | Existing 8 restored by replacing 5-7/8 and retuning remainder (by Taylor) in 1999 by Hayward Mills |
16 | 45 0 20 | 1999 | Existing 10 augmented to 16 in 1999 by Taylor |
8 | 18 1 09 | 1999 | Existing 8 all retuned (by Whitechapel) and restored by Nicholsons Engineering in 1999 |
10 | 21 1 16 | 1999 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1999 by Whitechapel |
10 | 26 1 04 | 1999 | Existing 8 remodelled and augmented to 10 by addition of 9 & 10/10 by Taylor in 1999 |
10 | 25 0 23 | 1999 | Existing 10 restored by Taylor in 1999 |
8 | 19½ cwt | 1999 | Restoration occurred in 1999 by Taylor when canons may have been removed |
8 | 21 0 00 | 1999 | Existing 8 retuned, canons removed and rehung in 10 bell frame in 1999 by Hayward Mills |
16 | 29 0 14 | 1998 | Existing 15 augmented to 16 by Whitechapel in 1998 |
8 | 29 2 26 | 1998 | Existing 8 all rehung, retuned and 4/8 recast by Taylor in 1998 |
10 | 19 0 07 | 1998 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Taylor in 1998 |
10 | 24 0 05 | 1998 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1998 by Taylor |
10 | 18 1 18 | 1998 | Existing 8 replaced with lighter 10 cast by Taylor in 1998 |
8 | 24 3 16 | 1998 | Augmented to 8 (cast by Whitechapel) and new Trebles hung by Andrew Nicholson in 1998 |
12 | 22 3 15 | 1998 | Existing 8 replaced and augmented to 12 (cast by Taylor) and all rehung by Eayre and Smith in 1998 |
10 | 25 cwt | 1997 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 (cast by Whitechapel) by Eayre & Smith in 1997 |
12 | 21 2 10 | 1997 | Former 3-10/10 from St John, Bermondsey retuned and augmented to 12 by Whitechapel in 1996 and installed in 1997 |
12 | 25 2 20 | 1997 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor in 1997 |
1 | 7 2 13 | 1997 | Existing 3 reduced to 1 chiming bell (former 2/3 which was retuned) by Whitechapel in 1997 |
8 | 21 2 10 | 1997 | 1 & 2/8 recast, remainder retuned and all rehung by Taylor in 1996/7 |
8 | 18 2 19 | 1996 | Existing 8 retuned and rehung in a 10 bell frame by Whitechapel in 1996 |
10 | 19 2 07 | 1996 | Existing 8 augmented to 10, canons removed and rehung by Whitechapel in 1996 |
6 | 19 1 19 | 1996 | Existing 6 all retuned and canons removed by Whitechapel in 1996 |
12 | 34 2 10 | 1996 | Existing 8 replaced by former 12 from Birmingham St Martin and installed by Whitechapel in 1996 |
12 | 28 2 01 | 1995 | Existing 8 augmented to 12 by Whitechapel in 1995 |
8 | 21 1 12 | 1994 | Existing 8 all recast and rehung (for full circle ringing) by Taylor in 1994 |
6 | 37 2 09 | 1994 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 with Tenor in 1994 by Whitechapel |
12 | 25 1 11 | 1994 | 9-11 of existing 12 recast and 1-8 & 12/12 replaced by Taylor in 1994 |
12 | 11 1 14 | 1993 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor in 1993 |
4 | 20 cwt | 1993 | 1-3/4 hung dead in 1993 |
10 | 24 0 03 | 1993 | Existing 10 recast in 1993 by Whitechapel |
10 | 19 0 21 | 1993 | Existing 10 rehung in 1993 by Eayre & Smith |
14 | 35 2 06 | 1992 | Existing 12 augmented to 14 by Whitechapel in 1992 |
8 | 24¼ cwt | 1992 | Doncaster canons removed by Whitechapel during restoration in 1992 |
12 | 24 1 15 | 1992 | Existing 10 recast and augmented to 12 by Whitechapel in 1992 |
8 | 14 1 22 | 1992 | Existing 8 remodelled into lighter 8 in 1992 by Robert Parker |
8 | 22 3 15 | 1992 | Existing 8 retuned, canons removed and rehung by Taylor in 1992 |
10 | 20 3 14 | 1992 | Existing 10 all retuned and rehung by Taylor in 1992 |
10 | 17 3 17 | 1991 | Existing 8 augmented to 10, retuned (by Whitechapel), canons removed and all rehung by Whites of Appleton in 1991 |
6 | 21 0 27 | 1991 | All rehung and retuned by Whitechapel in 1991 |
16 | 39 1 19 | 1991 | Existing 12 replaced with ring of 16 cast in 1990/91 by Whitechapel |
8 | 11 1 11 | 1991 | Existing 8 all retuned, canons removed and fittings supplied by Taylor in 1991 |
6 | 22 1 19 | 1991 | Existing 6 restored and rehung in 1991 by Whites of Appleton |
8 | 19 3 00 | 1990 | Existing 8 dismantled in 1990 and eventually transferred to Christ Church, Taney, Eire in 2000 |
8 | 24 1 25 | 1990 | Existing 6 augmented to 8, retuned, canons removed and rehung by Taylor in 1990 |
10 | 18 3 05 | 1990 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 (with two Trebles cast by Eijsbouts) by Eayre and Smith in 1990 |
12 | 23 1 13 | 1990 | Existing 6 replaced by 8 from Christ Church, Todmorden and augmented to 12 by Taylor in 1989/90 |
8 | 21 1 27 | 1990 | Existing 8 retuned by Whitechapel and restored by Whites of Appleton in 1990 |
8 | 14 1 15 | 1990 | New 8 installed by Whitechapel in 1990/1 |
8 | 21 0 05 | 1989 | Tenor recast by Whitechapel in 1989 |
8 | 23 1 13 | 1989 | Existing 8 transferred to Towcester, Northants in 1989 |
8 | 20 0 14 | 1989 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Taylor in 1989 |
10 | 20 0 26 | 1989 | Existing 10 converted to chiming only c1989 |
10 | 22 3 02 | 1989 | 3/10 recast, all retuned and canons removed by Taylor in 1989 |
8 | 23 2 19 | 1989 | Tenor recast in 1989 by Whitechapel |
6 | 19 1 23 | 1988 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 by Whitechapel in 1988 |
12 | 29 1 01 | 1988 | Existing 12 replaced by Whitechapel in 1988 |
12 | 29 0 04 | 1988 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor in 1988 |
12 | 35 1 14 | 1987 | Former 10 replaced by new 12 cast in 1986 (and installed in 1987) by Taylor |
8 | 24 3 27 | 1987 | Existing 8 retuned in 1987 by Whitechapel and rehung with largely new fittings by Whites of Appleton |
8 | 22 2 26 | 1987 | Existing 8 removed in 1987 and transferred to Goulburn, Australia |
10 | 24 1 23 | 1987 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 (cast by Eijsbouts) and canons removed in 1987 by Eayre & Smith |
12 | 33 3 06 | 1987 | Existing 12 bell chime rehung for ringing in 1987 by Taylor |
12 | 34 3 00 | 1986 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor in 1986 |
10 | 18 3 20 | 1986 | Existing 8 augmented to 10, and canons removed by Whitechapel in 1986 |
6 | 20 2 08 | 1986 | Tenor recast by Taylor in 1986 |
8 | 22 1 18 | 1986 | All retuned and rehung by Whitechapel in 1986 |
12 | 21 1 20 | 1986 | Existing 5 replaced by ring of 10 from St John Divine, Leicester, augmented to 12 and all hung by Whitechapel in 1986 |
12 | 34 1 03 | 1986 | Existing 8 replaced, augmented to 12 and cast by Whitechapel in 1985 and installed in 1986 |
12 | 28 0 06 | 1985 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 (cast by Eijsbouts) by Eayre & Smith in 1985 |
8 | 24 3 27 | 1985 | Existing 8 all retuned and rehung by Whitechapel in 1985 |
10 | 21 2 00 | 1984 | Existing 10 removed (and subsequently transferred to Peterborough Cathedral) in 1984 |
12 | 28 2 16 | 1984 | Existing 10 augmented to 12, resultant 6/12 recast and all rehung by Whitechapel in 1984 |
8 | 22 2 17 | 1984 | Existing 8 all rehung, retuned and canons removed by Taylor in 1984 |
12 | 27 1 16 | 1984 | Tenor recast and all retuned and rehung by Whitechapel in 1984 |
8 | 25 3 12 | 1984 | Existing 8 removed in 1984 |
10 | 29 2 13 | 1984 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1984 by Taylor |
12 | 25 0 24 | 1984 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor in 1983/4 |
12 | 21 0 11 | 1983 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor in 1983 |
8 | 21 2 12 | 1983 | Rehung by Eayre & Smith in 1982/3 |
10 | 26 1 13 | 1983 | 10 cast by Whitechapel in 1976 but not installed until 1983 |
10 | 29 1 19 | 1983 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Whitechapel in 1982/3 |
10 | 27 0 12 | 1982 | Existing 10 removed in 1982 |
8 | 22 0 10 | 1982 | All rehung by Whitechapel in 1982 |
12 | 22 2 05 | 1981 | 9, 10 and 12/12 recast by Taylor in 1981 |
12 | 34 3 04 | 1981 | Existing 12 recast/replaced and all rehung by Whitechapel in 1981 |
12 | 27 1 24 | 1981 | 12 installed in 1981 by Taylor being resultant 4-8, 10 & 11/12 transferred from St Edmunds, Northampton and 1-3, 9 & 12/12 new cast |
12 | 35 2 23 | 1980 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 (cast by Eijsbouts) by Eayre and Smith in 1980 |
8 | 19 1 00 | 1980 | Existing 8 retuned (by Whitechapel) and rehung by Arthur Fidler in 1980 |
10 | 28 0 06 | 1980 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and all retuned by Whitechapel in 1980 |
8 | 24 1 02 | 1980 | Tenor recast by Whitechapel in 1980 |
10 | 20 1 16 | 1979 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Taylor in 1979 |
8 | 22 2 21 | 1979 | Existing 8 removed in 1979 |
8 | 19 0 06 | 1979 | Existing 8 all retuned, canons removed and rehung by Taylor in 1979 |
10 | 25 0 00 | 1979 | Existing 8 replaced by 10 cast by M&S in 1962 which were shipped to Cape Town but not hung for change ringing until 1979 |
10 | 21 1 23 | 1979 | Tenor recast by Whitechapel in 1979 |
12 | 23 3 14 | 1979 | Existing 10 augmented to 12, resultant 3-7/12 recast, remainder retuned and all rehung by Whitechapel in 1978/9 |
For mobile viewing, scroll to the right for all fields >
No in Ring | Tenor Weight | Weight Type | Weight Date | Tenor Date | Tenor Founder | Event Year | Event | Notes | Source |
8 | 32 2 24 | Sup | 1858 | 1858 | Warner | 1858 | Existing 5 of 1803 remodelled and augmented to 8 by addition of 2 Trebles and a Tenor in 1858 by Warner | MASp Supw | RWMC, Keltek Chimes sheet 07/20, RW 2004/874, CJP |
8 | 32 2 24 | Sup | 1858 | 1858 | Warner | 1874 | Existing 8 destroyed by fire in 1874 | MASp Supw | Keltek Chimes sheet, RW 2004/874, CJP |
37 | 54 0 00 | Scr | 1952 | 1885 | Van Aerschodt, A L J | 1885 | Former ring of 8 replaced by 37 bell Carillon in 1885 by Van Aerschodt | VA records give 2700kg (53 0 17½). Gorham gives 6578 lbs (58 2 26). Scrw 54 0 00. Former ring of 8 destroyed in 1874. |, CJP |
37 | 89 3 26 | Sup | 1952 | 1952 | Gillett & Johnston | 1952 | Former Carillon of 37 recast by G&J in 1952 |, RMWC | |
48 | 89 3 26 | Sup | 1952 | 1952 | Gillett & Johnston | 1954 | Existing Carillon of 37 augmented to 48 by G&J in 1954 |, RMWC | |
4 | 16¾ cwt | Est | 2003 | 1603 | Purdue, Roger I | 1706 | 4 by when former 5/8 cast by Abraham Rudhall in 1706 | Wright | |
5 | 16¾ cwt | Est | 2003 | 1603 | Purdue, Roger I | 1835 | Existing 4 augmented to 5 by William Jefferies in 1835 | Wright states that may have been 6 by 1740 | AMB, Wright |
6 | 16¾ cwt | Est | 2003 | 1603 | Purdue, Roger I | 1845 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 by William Jefferies in 1845 | AMB | |
8 | 16¾ cwt | Est | 2003 | 1603 | Purdue, Roger I | 1887 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 and all rehung by Llewellins & James in 1887 | AMB | |
8 | 17 0 09 | Scr | 1947 | 1893 | Llewellins & James | 1893 | Tenor recast by L&J in 1893 | MASp Scrw 1947 | AMB, RW 98/938-9 |
10 | 25 0 18 | Sup | 1947 | 1947 | Taylor | 1947 | Previous 8 recast (former 6/8 replaced), augmented to 10 and all rehung by Taylor in 1947 | Former 6/8 retained in church (not shown on Dove 07/20) | MAS, AMB, RW 48/371, RW 98/938-9 |
8 | 18 3 03 | Scr | 1885 | 1764 | Lester & Pack | 1764 | Believed existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1764 by Lester & Pack | Supw 18-3-00 | |
10 | 20 1 06 | Sup | 1885 | 1885 | Mears & Stainbank | 1885 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 5,9 & 10 recast by M&S in 1885 |, BN 26/04/02 p26 | |
10 | 19 0 24 | Arr | 2006 | 1885 | Mears & Stainbank | 1961 | Canons removed on 9 & 10 during 1961 restoration by Alfred White | RW 74/830 states event was 1967 |, RW 74/830 |
10 | 16 0 05 | Sup | 2006 | 2006 | Whitechapel | 2006 | Existing 10 replaced by Whitechapel and rehung by Whites of Appleton in 2006 | RW no 4949 03/03/06 p224 | |
6 | 30 1 03 | Scr | 1789 | Unknown | Unknown | 1750 | Known to be 6 when recast in 1789, shown as from 1750 | MASp Scrw 1789. Tenuous MAS Est event date as FS provides weights of previous 6 to 1789, Tenor 30-1-03 but no evidence as to when from. | FS Oxon |
8 | 25 2 15 | Arr | 1927 | 1789 | Briant, John | 1789 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 in 1789 by John Briant | FS Oxon, CJP | |
8 | 24 0 14 | Res | 1927 | 1789 | Briant, John | 1927 | Existing 8 all retuned, canons removed and rehung by Taylor in 1927 | MASp canons removed at this time as FS stated removed | FS Oxon |
8 | 41 1 00 | Sup | 1946 | 1946 | Taylor | 1946 | 8 cast in 1946 by Taylor | RW 47/405, RW 77/600 | |
8 | 28 2 01 | Sup | 1992 | 1992 | Whitechapel | 1992 | 8 installed in 1992 by Whitechapel | 1-7/8 transferred from St Marys Basilica in Sydney | 07/20 |
12 | 28 2 01 | Sup | 1992 | 1992 | Whitechapel | 1995 | Existing 8 augmented to 12 by Whitechapel in 1995 | 07/20 | |
5 | 21 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1605 | Purdue, William II & Richard I | 1676 | 5 by 1676 when 1/5 "First cast" by Roger Purdue | MAS Estw same as 1743 successor. CJP states 1601 as has been previously shown is incorrect. MASp 5 by 1676 as inscription of former 4/8 shows as "First cast". Tenor's predecessors: Tenor bell broken by ringing in 1573. Cast by Old Jeffereys at Bristol in 1574, but “failing in sound” was recast by him and his son again in 1575. Broken by chiming in 1603. Recast twice by John Long of Cirencester in 1604, but “both times bad”. | Tower Notice, CJP, 07/20, Ellacombe, MAS |
6 | 21 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1743 | Rudhall, Abel | 1743 | Existing 5 all recast and augmented to 6 by Abel Rudhall in 1743 | MAS Estw pre canons removal | Tower Notice, MAS |
8 | 21 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1743 | Rudhall, Abel | 1751 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Abel Rudhall in 1751 | MAS Estw pre canons removal | Tower Notice, MAS |
8 | 20 2 13 | Arr | 2019 | 1743 | Rudhall, Abel | 1881 | 6/8 recast by Llewellins & James and canons removed from Tenor in 1881 | Arrw 2019 (and no change to number or weight in 2019 restortaion). MASp canons removed at this time. Notes in Denison Taylor's inspection notes of Oct 1902 (i.e. before the 1902/3 rehang eventually carried out by Sully) states that canons of 5-8 already off and 8/8 been quarter turned. | Dove 07/20, 07/20,, CJP, MAS |
6 | 22 0 26 | Sup | 1742 | 1742 | Lester, Thomas | 1742 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 with new Tenor and resultant 1/6 recast in 1742 by T Lester | RW 70/450, CJP | |
8 | 22 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1785 | Janaway, Thomas | 1785 | Existing ring recast into 8 by T Janaway in 1785 | Estw from G&J in 1925 as per RW 70/450 | RW 70/450, CJP |
8 | 18 1 20 | Sup | 1926 | 1926 | Gillett & Johnston | 1926 | Existing 8 all recast by G&J in 1926 | Tower Notice 1981, RW 26/295, RW 70/450 | |
5 | 11 0 20 | Sup | 1746 | 1746 | Bagley, Henry III | 1746 | 5 cast by H Bagley in 1746 | SCWH, GAD, Lynam | |
5 | 10 2 22 | Scr | 1959 | 1746 | Bagley, Henry III | 1885 | Existing 5 rehung by Taylor in 1885 | SCWH, GAD, Lynam | |
8 | 22 0 02 | Sup | 1959 | 1959 | Taylor | 1959 | Former 5 recast and augmented to 8 in 1959 by Taylor | SCWH, GAD, Lynam | |
4 | 7 3 27 | Con | 1871 | 1853 | Mears, C & G | 1854 | 4 by 1854 when former 3 & 4/6 cast, presumably by C & G Mears | JT notes from 1901 show details of former 6 bells "…as on Mear's paper in the Tower" as 1 - 1871, 2 - 1860, 3 & 4 1854, 5 & 6 as 1853 with Tenor weight of 7-3-27. MASp 2 to 6/6 cast by C&G Mears and 1/6 by M&S - also in line with Handley whose Notes on Furness Branch Bells gives previous 6 as all Mears from various dates. | GAD, Handley |
5 | 7 3 27 | Con | 1871 | 1853 | Mears, C & G | 1860 | 5 by 1860 when former 2/6 cast, presumably by C & G Mears | JT notes from 1901 show details of former 6 bells "…as on Mear's paper in the Tower" as 1 - 1871, 2 - 1860, 3 & 4 1854, 5 & 6 as 1853 with Tenor weight of 7-3-27. MASp 2 to 6/6 cast by C&G Mears and 1/6 by M&S - also in line with Handley whose Notes on Furness Branch Bells gives previous 6 as all Mears from various dates. | GAD, Handley |
6 | 7 3 27 | Con | 1871 | 1853 | Mears, C & G | 1871 | 6 by 1871 when 1/6 cast, presumably by M&S | JT notes from 1901 show details of former 6 bells "…as on Mear's paper in the Tower" as 1 - 1871, 2 - 1860, 3 & 4 1854, 5 & 6 as 1853 with Tenor weight of 7-3-27. MASp 2 to 6/6 cast by C&G Mears and 1/6 by M&S - also in line with Handley whose Notes on Furness Branch Bells gives previous 6 as all Mears from various dates. | GAD, Handley |
8 | 32 2 02 | Sup | 1901 | 1901 | Taylor | 1901 | Original 6 recast, remodelled, augmented to 8 and all rehung in 1901 by Taylor | Casw 33-0-18. | JT&Co 1980, Tower w/s, Handley, CB 31/719, BN 20/07/01 p133 |
6 | 19¾ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1697 | Keene, Richard | 1697 | 6 cast by R Keene in 1697 | MAS Estw same as 1703 successor | FS Oxon, MAS |
6 | 19 3 01 | Scr | 1928 | 1703 | Keene, Richard | 1703 | Tenor recast by R Keene in 1703 | Scrw (net) 1928 with canons on | FS Oxon, CJP, GAD |
8 | 20 1 06 | Sup | 1928 | 1928 | Taylor | 1928 | Exiting 6 augmented to 8, Tenor recast and all rehung by Taylor in 1928 | FS Oxon, CJP | |
6 | 20¼ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1713 | Tosier, Clement | 1713 | 6 by 1713 when Tenor cast by C Tosier | MAS Estw same as 1881 successor | HBW, MAS |
6 | 20 1 07 | Arr | 1999 | 1881 | Warner | 1881 | Tenor recast in 1881 by Warner | HBW, MAS | |
8 | 20 1 07 | Arr | 1999 | 1881 | Warner | 1945 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1945 by Taylor | BN 07/93 lists first 720 rung on the 6 perhaps implying recent restoration but no event found. | HBW, Dove, RW 46/73, BN 07/93, RW 79/382, NT |
8 | 18 1 09 | Res | 1999 | 1881 | Warner | 1999 | Existing 8 all retuned (by Whitechapel) and restored by Nicholsons Engineering in 1999 | Dove 07/20 shows canons removed and MASp at this event | Dove, CJP, RW 2000/444 |
8 | 22 2 19 | Sup | 1898 | 1898 | Taylor | 1898 | 8 installed in 1898 by Taylor | Irish Assoc w/s gives 1899. BN erroneously gives 19-2-19 in dedication notice. | FER,, CB 29/827-8, BN 26/08/99 p157 |
5 | 21¼ cwt | Est | 2021 | 1641 | Wilnar, Henry | 1641 | 5 by 1641 when Tenor cast by Henry Wilnar | MAS Estw same as 1790 successor | Love's Guide Kent, MAS |
8 | 21¼ cwt | Est | 2021 | 1778 | Swain, Thomas | 1778 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 8 in 1778 by Thomas Swain | MAS Estw same as 1790 successor | Love's Guide Kent, MAS |
8 | 21 1 09 | Scr | 1927 | 1790 | Mears, Thomas I | 1790 | Existing 8 recast by T Mears I in 1790 | Scrw 1927. Supw 21-2-00 | Love's Guide Kent |
8 | 21 1 18 | Sup | 1927 | 1927 | Mears & Stainbank | 1927 | 5 & 8/8 recast and all retuned by M&S in 1927 | Love's Guide Kent | |
10 | 21 3 00 | Res | 1978 | 1927 | Mears & Stainbank | 1978 | Existing 8 augmented to 10, all retuned and rehung and resin pad added to Tenor by Taylor in 1978 | Love's Guide Kent, Dove 07/20 | |
6 | 22 0 04 | Sup | 1740 | 1740 | Lester, Thomas | 1740 | 6 cast in 1740 by T Lester | MASp Supw | Ellacombe Devon, FER |
8 | 22 0 04 | Sup | 1740 | 1740 | Lester, Thomas | 1879 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1879 by William Blews | MASp Supw. Pearson, 1888 states "2 added 1887". FER states augmented by M&S 1879. Restored by H Stokes in 1896. | Dove 07/20, FER, BN 12/09/96 p234 |
8 | 21 1 06 | Sup | 1937 | 1937 | Taylor | 1937 | 7 and 8/8 recast by Taylor in 1937 | Dove 07/20 | |
6 | 14 3 02 | Scr | 1849 | 1571 | Unknown | 1741 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 by Thomas Eayre I in 1741 | MAS derived from current ring | RW 16/115 |
8 | 14 3 02 | Scr | 1849 | 1571 | Unknown | 1814 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1814 by John Briant | MAS derived from current ring | RW 16/115 |
8 | 17 2 24 | Sup | 1849 | 1849 | Taylor | 1849 | Tenor recast by Taylor in 1849 | MAS Derived from current ring | RW 16/115, CJP |
8 | 16 3 23 | Res | 1886 | 1849 | Taylor | 1886 | Existing 8 retuned, canons removed and supplied with new fittings by Taylor in 1886 | CJP, CB 16/1175 | |
10 | 21 2 24 | Sup | 2006 | 2006 | Taylor | 2006 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 10/10 recast (cast by Taylor) in 2006 by Hayward Mills | Dove 07/20 | |
6 | 22½ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1620 | Hatch, Joseph | 1620 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 and resultant 4-6/6 recast by Joseph Hatch in 1620 | MAS Estw same as 1796 successor | Love's Guide Kent, MAS |
8 | 22½ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1620 | Hatch, Joseph | 1762 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Lester & Pack in 1762 | MAS Estw same as 1796 successor | Love's Guide Kent, MAS |
8 | 22½ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1796 | Mears, Thomas I | 1796 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1796 | MAS Estw pre canon removal | Love's Guide Kent, MAS |
8 | 22 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1796 | Mears, Thomas I | 1924 | Canons removed by G&J in 1924 during overhaul | MAS Estw post canon removal pre tuning. Love states canons may have been removed in either 1898 Taylor or 1924 G&J restorations - RW 63/230 states in 1924. | Loves Guide, CJP, MAS, RW 63/230 |
8 | 21 2 22 | Res | 1965 | 1796 | Mears, Thomas I | 1965 | Former chiming bell recast (and hung dead) and all retuned by M&S in 1965 | Love's Guide Kent | |
10 | 21 2 22 | Res | 1965 | 1796 | Mears, Thomas I | 1970 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Whitechapel in 1970 | Augmented by using former chiming bell (re)cast by M&S in 1965 and a newly cast Treble | Loves Guide, CJP |
6 | 20 cwt | Est | 2021 | Unknown | Unknown | 1679 | Original 4 augmented to 6 in 1679 by an unknown founder | MAS Estw same as 1779 successor. Cheetham states believed to have been 6 in 1740 but RW 79/989 states by 1679. 4 in 1552. | RW 79/989, Cheetham, MAS |
8 | 20 0 18 | Sup | 1779 | 1779 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1779 | Original 6 recast and augmented to 8 by T Rudhall in 1779 | MASp Supw per CJP. This Tenor to become 11/12 in 1818. Cheetham states cast by C & J Rudhall and also alludes to there being 10 at this time which is incorrect. | CJP |
10 | 20 0 18 | Sup | 1779 | 1779 | Rudhall, Thomas | 1790 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by John Rudhall in 1790 | MASp Supw per CJP. This Tenor to become 11/12 in 1818. | CJP |
10 | 27 3 21 | Con | 1823 | 1818 | Mears, Thomas II | 1818 | Existing 10 remodelled by adding Tenor, recasting resultant 3 & 7/10 and scrapping former 1/10 in 1818 by M&S | CJP: Weight given as 27-3-21 in 1823 | Neil Bennet, Cheetham, CJP |
12 | 27 3 21 | Con | 1823 | 1818 | Mears, Thomas II | 1889 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by M&S in 1889 | CJP: Weight given as 27-3-21 in 1823 | Neil Bennet, Cheetham, CJP, BN 19/04/90 p45 |
12 | 26 1 00 | Arr | 1927 | 1818 | Mears, Thomas II | 1910 | Canons removed from Tenor and headstock replaced by G&J in 1910 | Dove 07/20 shows canons removed and MASp at this event | Neil Bennet, Cheetham, NT |
12 | 25 2 25 | Res | 1927 | 1818 | Mears, Thomas II | 1927 | Existing 12 restored and rehung by M&S in 1927 | Neil Bennet, Cheetham | |
8 | 20½ cwt | Est | 2021 | 1862 | Warner | 1906 | 8 (cast by Warner in 1862 for Bishops Court, Parnell, Auckland) transferred in 1906 | MAS Estw pre canons removal and restoration in 1971. Bells hung as a chime at Bishops Court, Parnell, Auckland in 1863 awaiting the building of a tower at the Cathedral. Bells loaned to St Matthew's church in 1906 and loan converted to a gift in 1970. | Dove 07/20, MAS, Keltek Chimes to Rings 06/21 |
8 | 20 0 12 | Res | 1971 | 1862 | Warner | 1971 | Existing 8 rehung and canons removed in 1971 by Whitechapel | Quoted as 20-2-12 but updated on Dove 03/21 to reflect accurate weight of 20-0-12. Canons status shows removed 07/20 Dove and MASp at this event. Bells hung as a chime at Bishops Court, Parnell, Auckland in 1863 awaiting the building of a tower at the Cathedral. Bells loaned to St Matthew's church in 1906 and loan converted to a gift in 1970. | Dove 07/20, RW 71/43, RW 72/869, Dove 03/21, Keltek Chimes to Rings 06/21 |
5 | 24 2 14 | Sup | 1617 | 1617 | Purdue, Roger I | 1617 | Known to be 5 by when 3 & 5/5 cast by R Purdue in 1617 | GWM, CJP | |
6 | 18 3 15 | Sup | 1723 | 1723 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1723 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 6 by T Bilbie in 1723 | GWM, CJP | |
6 | 19 3 04 | Sup | 1725 | 1725 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1725 | Tenor recast by T Bilbie in 1725 | GWM, CJP | |
6 | 18 0 13 | Scr | 1925 | 1850 | Mears, C & G | 1850 | Tenor recast by C & G Mears in 1850 | GWM, CJP | |
6 | 19 3 14 | Sup | 1925 | 1925 | Taylor | 1925 | Existing 6 recast and rehung by Taylor in 1925 | GWM, MAS, AMB, RW 26/267 | |
5 | 13 cwt | Est | 2021 | 1762 | Bayley, Thomas | 1765 | Assumed 5 by 1765 when Thomas Bayley cast 2/5 (having cast 4/5 and 5/5 in 1760 and 1762 respectively) | MAS Estw as Ellacombe gives 43". Assumed that 6/6 cast in 1821 was augmentation from 5. Pearson gives 5 by 1669. | Ellacombe Devon, RW 83/579 |
6 | 21 cwt | Est | 1888 | 1821 | Pannell, William | 1821 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 by when Tenor cast by W Pannell in 1821 | Assumed that 6/6 cast in 1821 was augmentation from 5. Pearson gives Estw as 21 cwt and 5 by 1669. | Pearson - The Ringers Guide to TCBO Devon, CJND Dorset Pt III, RW 83/579 |
8 | 21 cwt | Est | 1888 | 1821 | Pannell, William | 1886 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 (cast by M&S) and rehung by Aggett in 1886 | Pearson gives Estw as 21 cwt | Pearson - The Ringers Guide to TCBO Devon, RW 83/579 |
8 | 25 2 00 | Sup | 1897 | 1897 | Mears & Stainbank | 1898 | Existing 8 recast / replaced (cast by M&S) and rehung by Harry Stokes in 1897/8 | Former 3/8 retained. FER and M&S catalogue gives 1898, CJP states 1895, Dove 07/20 and RW 83/579 states 1897. Church reopening stated in CB as 29 Sept 1898. | FER, M&S, CJP, Dove 7/20, CB 28/1000, BN 08/10/98 p205, RW 83/579 |
8 | 23 1 15 | Res | 1987 | 1897 | Mears & Stainbank | 1987 | Existing 8 retuned and canons removed by Whitechapel in 1987 | Dove 07/20 shows canons removed and MASp at this event | Dove, RW 90/697 |
10 | 23 1 15 | Res | 2006 | 1897 | Mears & Stainbank | 2006 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Whitechapel in 2006 | Bells cast 2005, added 2006 | Dove update 20/02/06 |
6 | 22 cwt | Est | 2021 | 1623 | Unknown | 1714 | Known to be 6 by 1714 (although possibly from 1633) | MAS Estw same as 1873 successor. Cocks states former Tenor date 1623, RW 83/789 states frame for 6 created 1633. | Cocks, CB 8/483, RW 83/789 |
8 | 21 3 06 | Scr | 1850 | 1773 | Pack & Chapman | 1773 | Existing 6 recast or exchanged and augmented to 8 in 1773 by P&C | Supw 21-3-18. Former 6/6 dated 1623. Known to be 6 by 1714. | Cocks, CJP, CB 8/483 |
8 | 21 2 12 | Sup | 1850 | 1850 | Mears, C & G | 1850 | Tenor recast in 1850 by C&G Mears | MASp Supw. Unringable from c1863 to 1983 due to ringing room floor being removed. | Cocks, 07/20, RW 83/789 |
8 | 21 2 12 | Sup | 1850 | 1850 | Mears, C & G | 1983 | Rehung by Eayre & Smith in 1982/3 | MASp Supw. Belfry floor replaced for first time since c1863. | Cocks, 07/20, RW 83/789 |
6 | 20 2 11 | Arr | 1913 | 1883 | Warner | 1883 | 6 installed in 1883 by Warner | Conw 21-2-06. 20-2-11 Arrw potentially after canons were removed at that time prior to tuning - see Bell Historians post | CJP; Stahlschmidt, Bell Historians |
8 | 17 0 19 | Res | 1914 | 1883 | Warner | 1914 | Existing 6 augmented to 8, all retuned, canons removed and rehung by G&J in 1913/14 | Resw from Tower Notice per CJND. Report of restoration and dedication occurred in RW 14/256 6th Nov. | CJP, Dove 07/20, RW 14/256 6th Nov, BN 24/10/14 p367 |
8 | 25 0 22 | Sup | 1857 | 1857 | Taylor | 1857 | 8 installed by Taylor in 1857 | Correct (nett) weight 25-0-22 (previously quoted 25-3-19 includes clapper). Unringable for many years. | Dove 07/20, CJP, Church details re church |
5 | 28 cwt | Est | 2021 | Unknown | Unknown | 1650 | 1/5 cast by Miles Graye in 1650 | MAS Estw same as 1711 successor. Tenuous event as MAS assumed to be 5 at this event as know to be 6 by 1700 and assumed augmented to 6 in 1685. | North, MAS |
6 | 28 cwt | Est | 2021 | Unknown | Unknown | 1685 | 1 & 4/6 cast by James Bartlett in 1685 | MAS Estw same as 1711 successor. Tenuous event as assumed to be 6 at this event as known to be in 1700. | North, MAS |
6 | 28 0 00 | Arr | 1882 | 1711 | Waylett, John | 1711 | Tenor recast in 1711 by J Waylett | Arrw exact in 1882 | North, CJP |
8 | 26 2 22 | Res | 1882 | 1711 | Waylett, John | 1882 | Existing 6 augmented to 8, resultant 3, 4, 6 & 7/8 recast, canons removed from Tenor and all rehung by Taylor in 1882 | Dove 07/20 shows canons removed, MASp canons removed from Tenor at this event. Bells cast on 10/01/82. | Dove 07/20, CJP, CB 12/319, BN 03/82 p106 |
8 | 22 3 21 | Sup | 1869 | 1869 | Mears & Stainbank | 1869 | 8 cast by M&S in 1869 | RW 72/209 | |
8 | 22 0 10 | Res | 1982 | 1869 | Mears & Stainbank | 1982 | All rehung by Whitechapel in 1982 | Dove 07/20 | |
5 | 21 0 11 | Scr | 1804 | 1692 | Purdue, Thomas | 1692 | Believed to be 5 when Tenor recast by T Purdue in 1692 | GWM | |
6 | 21 0 07 | Sup | 1804 | 1804 | Mears, Thomas I | 1804 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 6 by T Mears in 1804 | GWM | |
6 | 20 0 02 | Arr | 2008 | 1804 | Mears, Thomas I | 1905 | Canons removed from all bells by Sully in 1905 | Arrw double checked as 20-0-02 | GWM, CJP, BN 16/09/05 p325 |
6 | 19 2 10 | Res | 2008 | 1804 | Mears, Thomas I | 2008 | All retuned by Taylors, Eayre and Smith in 2008 | GWM, Dove 07/20 | |
6 | 23¾ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1629 | Purdue, Roger I | 1629 | Known to be 6 in 1629 when Tenor cast by Roger Purdue I | MAS Estw pre canons removal. FS stated Tenor cast by Nathaniel Bolter but Dove in 07/20 shows now accredited to Roger Purdue I. | FS Oxon, Dove, MAS |
6 | 23 0 04 | Res | 2007 | 1629 | Purdue, Roger I | 1903 | Existing 6 rehung and canons removed in 1903 by Webb and Bennett | As weighed in 2007 restoration. FS states canon removed from Tenor by his viewing. MASp canons removed when rehung by Messrs Webb & Bennett 1903. FS stated Tenor cast by Nathaniel Bolter but Dove in 07/20 shows now accredited to Roger Purdue I. | FS Oxon, Dove |
8 | 23 0 04 | Res | 2007 | 1629 | Purdue, Roger I | 1906 | 1 & 5/6 recast and augmented to 8 by M&S in 1906 | Weighed in 2007 during restoration by Whites of Appleton. FS stated Tenor cast by Nathaniel Bolter but Dove in 07/20 shows now accredited to Roger Purdue I. | FS Oxon, Dove |
5 | 21 2 01 | Sup | 1667 | 1667 | Bagley, Henry I | 1667 | Known to be 5 when Tenor cast in 1667 by H Bagley | MASp Supw as FS (and Dove historically) quoted 21-2-01; RW 30/313 quoted 21-2-00. | FS Oxon, RW 30/313 |
6 | 21 2 01 | Sup | 1667 | 1667 | Bagley, Henry I | 1753 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 in 1753 by Matthew Bagley | MASp Supw as FS (and Dove historically) quoted 21-2-01; RW 30/313 quoted 21-2-00. | FS Oxon, RW 30/313 |
8 | 21 2 01 | Sup | 1667 | 1667 | Bagley, Henry I | 1820 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 in 1820 by J Briant | MASp Supw as FS (and Dove historically) quoted 21-2-01; RW 30/313 quoted 21-2-00. | FS Oxon, RW 30/313 |
8 | 21 0 05 | Arr | 1930 | 1667 | Bagley, Henry I | 1897 | Existing 8 all retuned by G&J in 1897 | FS Oxon, MAS, ADH, CJP | |
10 | 17 0 09 | Sup | 1930 | 1930 | Taylor | 1930 | Existing 8 recast, augmented to 10 and all rehung by Taylor in 1930 | Quoted as 17-1-09 | RW 30/313, ADH |
8 | 21 0 04 | Sup | 1899 | 1899 | Taylor | 1899 | 8 installed in 1899 by Taylor | MAS,, BN 14/10/99 p242 | |
5 | 20¾ cwt | Est | 2020 | Unknown | Unknown | 1613 | Assumed to be 5 when former 4/8 cast in 1613 by William Carter | Tenuous event derived from former 8 configuration. MAS Estw same as 1661 successor. | Stahlschmidt, MAS |
6 | 20¾ cwt | Est | 2020 | Unknown | Unknown | 1638 | Assumed to be 6 when former 3/8 cast in 1638 by an unknown founder | Tenuous event derived from former 8 configuration. MAS Estw same as 1661 successor. | Stahlschmidt, MAS |
6 | 20¾ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1661 | Eldridge, William | 1661 | Tenor recast in 1661 by W Eldridge | MAS Estw pre tuning in 1892 | Stahlschmidt, CJP, MAS |
8 | 20 1 06 | Scr | 1921 | 1661 | Eldridge, William | 1892 | Existing 6 retuned and augmented to 8 by Warner in 1892 | MASp Scrw | CJP, BN 21/01/93 p511 |
8 | 21 0 27 | Sup | 1921 | 1921 | Gillett & Johnston | 1921 | Existing 8 recast by G&J in 1921 | Tower notice 1978, RW 21/179 | |
5 | 19½ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1600 | Purdue, Richard & George | 1600 | Known to be 5 when Tenor recast by R&G Purdue in 1600 | MAS Estw same as 1700 successor. Believed to be 5 by 1541 | GWM, MAS |
5 | 19½ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1613 | Purdue, Richard & George | 1613 | Tenor recast by R & G Purdue in 1612/13 | MAS Estw same as 1700 successor | GWM, MAS |
5 | 19½ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1638 | Purdue, Roger I | 1638 | Tenor recast by Roger Purdue in 1638 | MAS Estw same as 1700 successor. GWM stated that this bell also "tuned" 1639. | GWM, MAS |
6 | 19½ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1638 | Purdue, Roger I | 1688 | Believed existing 5 augmented to 6 between 1650 and 1688 | MAS Estw same as 1700 successor | GWM, MAS |
6 | 19 2 09 | Der | 2020 | 1700 | Cockey, Lewis | 1700 | Tenor recast by Lewis Cockey in 1700 | Derw as 200 lb of additional metal added when recast in 1706 to then weigh 2393 lbs (21-1-13) | GWM, MAS |
6 | 21 1 13 | Scr | 1733 | 1706 | Bilbie, Edward | 1706 | Tenor recast by Edward Bilbie in 1706 | Scrw 1733 (not 1734) | GWM |
6 | 24 1 19 | Sup | 1734 | 1734 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1734 | Existing 6 recast by T Bilbie in 1734 | GWM | |
6 | 23 1 25 | Arr | 1937 | 1734 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1902 | Existing 6 rehung and canons removed by J Barwell in 1902 | GWM | |
8 | 23 0 04 | Res | 1937 | 1734 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1937 | Existing 6 augmented to 8, resultant 3/8 recast and all retuned by Taylor in 1937 | RW 37/347, GWM | |
10 | 23 0 04 | Res | 1972 | 1734 | Bilbie, Thomas I | 1972 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Taylor in 1972 | GWM | |
8 | 21 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1746 | Catlin, Robert | 1746 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by Robert Catlin in 1746 | MAS Estw same as 1871 successor as D&W gave 49" diam. Existing 6 details unknown | Deedes & Waters |
8 | 21 0 11 | Sup | 1871 | 1871 | Warner | 1871 | Tenor recast by Warner in 1871 | Deedes & Waters, CB 28/654, BN 27/05/11 p121-2 | |
8 | 19 2 27 | Arr | 1974 | 1871 | Warner | 1911 | 5/8 recast (by M&S), canons removed and all rehung by George Day in 1911 | Canons removed (Dove 07/20) and although some restortaion occurred by Taylor in 1892, MASp at this event as canons status unclear from Whitechapel records in 1974. | Dove 07/20, CJP, Deedes & Walters, NT, MAS |
8 | 18 2 21 | Res | 1974 | 1871 | Warner | 1974 | Existing 8 all retuned, and rehung in 1974 by Whitechapel | Canons removed (Dove 07/20). | Dove 07/20, CJP, Deedes & Walters |
8 | 22 0 15 | Sup | 1891 | 1891 | Mears & Stainbank | 1894 | 8 cast in 1891 by M&S but believed not installed until 1894 | AMB has 1891 for all 8. Frame dated (and work invoiced) as 1894 so Event showing that date. | CJP, Dove 07/20 |
5 | 12 cwt | Est | 2020 | Unknown | Unknown | 1656 | Known to be 5 in 1656 | Tenuous event with Estw same as 1811 successor as known to be 5 in 1656. | North & Stahlschmidt, MAS |
6 | 12 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1811 | Mears, Thomas II | 1811 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 6 by T Mears in 1811 | MAS Estw as given as 41". | North & Stahlschmidt, MAS |
8 | 14 1 19 | Sup | 1875 | 1875 | Warner | 1875 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by addition of Treble and Tenor in 1875 by Warner | MASp Supw | CJP, North & Stahlschmidt |
8 | 23 3 10 | Arr | 1992 | 1892 | Mears & Stainbank | 1892 | Previous 8 recast and rehung by M&S in 1892 | Supw was 23-2-13. Given as 23-3-15 (BN 28/09/95 p211 and RW 23 May 1975) and Arrw in 1992 was 23-3-10 (shown). | CJP, BN 28/09/95 p211, RW 23 May 1975 |
8 | 22 3 15 | Res | 1992 | 1892 | Mears & Stainbank | 1992 | Existing 8 retuned, canons removed and rehung by Taylor in 1992 | Dove 07/20 states canons removed. MASp removed in 1992. Note: Arrw in 1992 was 23-3-10 and Supw in 1892 23-2-13. | Dove 07/20, CJP |
6 | 20 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1803 | Briant, John | 1803 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 6 by J Briant 1803 | MAS Estw pre subsequent canons removal and restortaion. No info re former 5. | Ellacombe Devon, MAS |
8 | 19½ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1803 | Briant, John | 1896 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 and canons removed in 1896 by James Barwell | MAS Estw post canon removal. CJP confirms that canons were off by 1916 so MASp removed at this event. Some suggestion augmented to 8 in 1885. | Dove, CJP, MAS, CB 26/1132 |
8 | 19 1 00 | Res | 1980 | 1803 | Briant, John | 1980 | Existing 8 retuned (by Whitechapel) and rehung by Arthur Fidler in 1980 | RW 80/1123, Dove 07/20 | |
8 | 35 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1700 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1700 | Existing 6 recast and augmented to 8 by A Rudhall in 1700 | MAS Estw same as 1869 successor. Rudhall lists stated 38cwt. No details of former 6. | GWM, CJP, MAS |
10 | 35 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1700 | Rudhall, Abraham I | 1774 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1774 by Thomas Rudhall | MAS Estw same as 1869 successor. Rudhall lists stated 38cwt. No details of former 6. | GWM, CJP, MAS |
10 | 34 3 21 | Sup | 1869 | 1869 | Warner | 1869 | Tenor recast by Warner in 1869 | CB 1/186 advert lists having been cast in 1870 | GWM, CJP, CB 1/186 |
10 | 34 3 05 | Arr | 1957 | 1869 | Warner | 1897 | Restoration occurred by J F Mallaby & Co in 1897 | Supw was 34-3-21. MASp discrepancy occurred when restoration took place in 1897 as per GWM. Could just be more accurate weighing in 1957 as discrepancy negligible. | GWM, CJP |
10 | 33 0 25 | Res | 1957 | 1869 | Warner | 1957 | Existing 10 retuned and canons removed in 1957 by Taylor | GWM states 1958, CJP states 1957 | GWM, CJP, RW 57/527 |
6 | 20 0 07 | Sup | 1819 | 1819 | Mears, Thomas II | 1880 | Original 3 bells cast in 1819 by T Mears became resultant 1, 3 & 6/6 when augmented to 6 by J Warner in 1880 | GWM | |
8 | 20 0 07 | Sup | 1819 | 1819 | Mears, Thomas II | 1897 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Warner in 1897 | GWM | |
8 | 19 2 12 | Res | 1948 | 1819 | Mears, Thomas II | 1948 | Existing 8 all retuned by M&S in 1948 | GWM, RW 48/117 | |
10 | 18 3 20 | Res | 1986 | 1819 | Mears, Thomas II | 1986 | Existing 8 augmented to 10, and canons removed by Whitechapel in 1986 | Not retuned in 1986 | GWM, RW 87/617 |
8 | 23 0 24 | Sup | 1879 | 1879 | Taylor | 1879 | 8 cast in 1879/80 by Taylor | Conw given as 23-3-06 in CB 10/355 | Bells of Bath and surrounding area, CJP, CB 10/355 |
8 | 23 0 24 | Sup | 1879 | 1879 | Taylor | 1942 | Existing 8 destroyed in May 1942 | Conw given as 23-3-06 in CB 10/355 | GWM |
8 | 22 cwt | Est | Unk | 1739 | Lester, Thomas | 1739 | 8 cast by Thomas Lester in 1739 | Estw from Lester's catalogue | Dove, GPE, CJP, Tyssen |
8 | 21 3 08 | Sup | 1825 | 1825 | Mears, Thomas II | 1825 | Tenor recast by T Mears in 1825 | MASp Supw 1825. Dove 11/20 updated to show canons removed - at unknown event. | Dove, GPE |
5 | 15 2 15 | Scr | 1884 | 1722 | Bagley, Henry III | 1722 | Existing 5 recast by H Bagley in 1722 | MASp Scrw. MASp Henry III. 5 by 1714. | Cocks, BN 06/12/84 p424 |
6 | 15 2 15 | Scr | 1884 | 1722 | Bagley, Henry III | 1794 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 in 1794 by Thomas Mears | MASp Scrw. MASp Henry III | Cocks, BN 06/12/84 p424 |
8 | 21 1 07 | Arr | 1977 | 1884 | Mears & Stainbank | 1884 | Exsiting 6 remodelled and augmented to 8 by addition of Treble & Tenor and resulting 3-5 & 7/8 recast by M&S in 1884 | Arrw 1977 exactly same as Supw at 21-1-07 | FER, Cocks, CJP, CB 14/970, BN 06/12/84 p424 |
8 | 19 1 20 | Res | 1977 | 1884 | Mears & Stainbank | 1977 | 2 & 6/8 recast, canons removed and all retuned in 1977 by Whitechapel | Arrw was 21-1-07 (same as Supw), canons removed to 20-0-17 and then retuned to 19-1-20. | 07/20, NT |
5 | 30 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1699 | Cockey, Lewis | 1699 | Known to be 5 when Lewis Cockey recast Tenor in 1699 | MAS Estw same as 1760 successor | CJND |
5 | 30 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1760 | Rock, Richard | 1760 | Tenor recast by Richard Rock in 1760 | CJND | |
8 | 23¼ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1765 | Bilbie, Thomas I, Thomas II and Abraham | 1765 | Existing 5 recast and remodelled into 8 by Thomas I, Thomas II and Abraham Bilbie in 1765 | MAS Estw pre canons removal in 1887 | CJND |
8 | 22 2 13 | Arr | 1967 | 1765 | Bilbie, Thomas I, Thomas II and Abraham | 1887 | Canons removed from 6-8/8 by Taylor in 1887 | CJND, CJP | |
8 | 22 1 27 | Res | 1967 | 1765 | Bilbie, Thomas I, Thomas II and Abraham | 1967 | Existing 8 retuned by Taylor in 1967 | CJND | |
10 | 22 1 27 | Res | 1967 | 1765 | Bilbie, Thomas I, Thomas II and Abraham | 1973 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by Taylor in 1973 | CJND | |
10 | 28 ¼ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1762 | Lester & Pack | 1762 | Existing 8 recast and augmented to 10 by L&P in 1762 | MAS Estw pre canons removal | Raven, CJP, MAS |
10 | 27 1 21 | Arr | 1909 | 1762 | Lester & Pack | 1871 | Existing 10 rehung by G Day in 1871 when assumed canons removed | Canons were off except 8/10 in 1909. Ropes fell in order 1,9,7,8,10,2,6,5,4,3. | GAD, BN 31/05/02 p85 |
10 | 25 1 25 | Res | 1909 | 1762 | Lester & Pack | 1909 | 4, 6 & 9/10 recast, remainder retuned and all rehung by Taylor in 1909 | Dove 07/20, BN 27/11/09 p481 | |
5 | 20 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1350 | Stafford, Johannes de | 1664 | 5 by 1664 | MAS assumptions based on current ring. BN stated 4/8 1660. | Dove 07/20 |
6 | 20 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1350 | Stafford, Johannes de | 1755 | Existing 5 augmented to 6 by Edward Seller II in 1755 | MAS assumptions based on current ring. BN stated 3/8 1765. | Dove 07/20, BN 31/05/02 p85 |
8 | 20 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1350 | Stafford, Johannes de | 1873 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Warner in 1873 | CB 3/595, Dove 07/20, BN 31/05/02 p85 | |
3 | 10 2 03 | Sup | 1869 | 1831 | Mears, Thomas II | 1831 | Ring of 3 supplied by T Mears in 1831 | CJP | |
8 | 20 1 14 | Sup | 1869 | 1869 | Mears & Stainbank | 1869 | 2 of existing 3 recast and augmented to 8 (former 3/3 retained as resultant 6/8) by M&S in 1869 | CJP | |
10 | 20 1 14 | Sup | 1869 | 1869 | Mears & Stainbank | 1877 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by M&S in 1877 | CJP | |
10 | 18 2 06 | Arr | 2004 | 1869 | Mears & Stainbank | 1928 | Existing 10 all retuned and canons removed by M&S in 1928 | Contemporary Resw given as 18-1-26 | CJP |
10 | 18 2 12 | Res | 2005 | 1869 | Mears & Stainbank | 2005 | Existing 10 all rehung by Taylor in 2004/5 and pad added to Tenor | Dove 07/20, CJP | |
8 | 26 3 07 | Scr | 1896 | 1744 | Lester, Thomas | 1744 | Existing 5 recast and augmented to 8 by T Lester in 1744 | Supw 26-3-21 | Beds AMB, MAS, 12s w/s 05, CJP |
10 | 28 3 06 | Sup | 1896 | 1896 | Taylor | 1896 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 and resultant 5, 8 & 10/10 recast by Taylor in 1896 | Bells removed from tower during WW2 for safety and rehung in 1945 | Beds AMB, FER, 07/20, CB 26/1274, BN 10/10/96 p293-4 |
12 | 28 3 06 | Sup | 1896 | 1896 | Taylor | 1977 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 by Taylor in 1977 | MAS, Beds AMB | |
8 | 19 3 16 | Arr | 1965 | 1872 | Taylor | 1872 | 8 installed by Taylor in 1872 | Included as Supw was 20-0-09 | Irish Assoc website, GAD |
8 | 18 2 24 | Res | 1965 | 1872 | Taylor | 1965 | 1-3/8 recast and all retuned by Taylor in 1965 | Irish Assoc website | |
6 | 24 cwt | Sup | 1808 | 1808 | Rudhall, John | 1808 | Believed 6 by when Tenor recast by John Rudhall in 1808 | MAS Estw pre canons removal. Pre Dove 1978 weight given as 24-0-16 as quoted in report of first peal on restored and augmented 8 but unclear whether purports to be Resw in 1899 of original Supw. RW 79/360 stated recast in 1806 and probably 6 by 1700. | FS & Bliss Gloucs, MAS, CJP, 07/20, BN 24/02/00 p476 |
8 | 23¼ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1808 | Rudhall, John | 1899 | Existing 6 augmented to 8, all rehung and retuned and canons removed by Thomas Blackbourn in 1899 | MAS Estw post canons removal, MASp at this event as FS stated had been retuned and canons removed by his inspection. Also restored unsatisfactorily in 1889 when new stocks supplied. Pre Dove 1978 weight given as 24-0-16 as quoted in report of first peal on restored and augmented 8 but unclear whether purports to be Resw in 1899 of original Supw. | FS & Bliss Gloucs, MAS, CJP, 07/20, BN 27/04/89 p 33, BN 24/02/00 p469 & 476 |
10 | 23¼ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1808 | Rudhall, John | 1921 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 by M&S in 1921 | MAS Estw pre retuning. Taylor's Arrw and Resw identical at 23-0-00 in 1978 even though retuned. | RW 79/360, MAS |
10 | 23 0 00 | Res | 1978 | 1808 | Rudhall, John | 1978 | Existing 10 retuned and rehung by Taylor in 1978 | Taylor's Arrw and Resw identical at 23-0-00 in 1978 even though retuned | FS & Bliss Gloucs, RW 79/360, CJP |
10 | 21 1 03 | Res | 2017 | 1808 | Rudhall, John | 2017 | Existing 10 retuned and rehung by Taylor in 2017 | Dove 07/20 | |
10 | 26 3 13 | Arr | 1990 | 1828 | Mears, Thomas II | 1828 | 10 installed in 1828 by T Mears | Conw possibly 25-1-09 | CJP |
8 | 14 1 15 | Sup | 1990 | 1990 | Whitechapel | 1990 | New 8 installed by Whitechapel in 1990/1 | Former 10 transferred to Toronto Cathedral and augmented to 12 in 1997 - Tenor now 21-2-10. | Dove 07/20, CJP |
8 | 20 1 26 | Arr | 1999 | 1754 | Lester & Pack | 1754 | 8 cast in 1754 by L&P | Arrw 1999 less than Resw due to resin pad addition | 07/20, CJP |
8 | 20 3 14 | Res | 1999 | 1754 | Lester & Pack | 1999 | Existing 8 restored by replacing 5-7/8 and retuning remainder (by Taylor) in 1999 by Hayward Mills | Dove 07/20 states canons remain. Arrw was 20-1-26, Resw difference due to addition of resin pad. | 07/20, CJP |
6 | 21 0 20 | Arr | 1901 | 1400 | B…,I… | 1552 | Known to have been 6 in 1552 | Canons already removed by arrival at Taylors so originally would have been 22¼ cwt approx but event date of removal unknown. Unknown when became 6. | RW 43/250, GAD |
8 | 21 0 20 | Arr | 1901 | 1400 | B…,I… | 1747 | Known to be 8 by 1747 when 1 & 2/8 cast by Thomas Lester | Canons already removed by arrival at Taylors so originally would have been 22¼ cwt approx but event date of removal unknown. | GAD article 2001, Dove 08/20, GAD |
10 | 41 1 20 | Sup | 1901 | 1901 | Taylor | 1901 | Existing 8 recast/replaced and augmented to 10 from 1896 to 1901 by Taylor | Casw 43-1-11. Former 6 and 8/8 retained in south west tower. | JT&Co 1980, CB 31/700, BN 27/07/01 p145 |
6 | 19 0 00 | Scr | 1900 | 1700 | Smith, Samuel | 1700 | 1 & 6/6 cast by S Smith in 1700 | Scrw exact 1900 | BN 14/06/02 p109 |
8 | 19 0 00 | Scr | 1900 | 1700 | Smith, Samuel | 1884 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Gillett & Bland in 1884 | Scrw exact 1900 | BN 14/06/02 p109 |
10 | 34 3 12 | Sup | 1900 | 1900 | Taylor | 1900 | Existing 8 recast and augmented to 10 in 1900 by Taylor | Casw 36-1-14 | JT&Co 1980, CJP, CB 30/616, BN 09/06/00 p65 |
12 | 34 3 12 | Sup | 1900 | 1900 | Taylor | 2018 | Existing 10 augmented to 12 (cast by Taylor) by Whites of Appleton in 2018 | Dove 07/20 | |
6 | 23¼ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1712 | Phelps, Richard | 1712 | Known to be 6 by when 1 & 6/6 cast by Richard Phelps in 1712 | MAS Estw pre canons removal | Love's Guide Kent, MAS |
8 | 23¼ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1712 | Phelps, Richard | 1784 | Existing 6 augmented to 8 by Robert Patrick in 1784 | MAS Estw pre canons removal | Love's Guide Kent, MAS |
8 | 22½ cwt | Est | 2020 | 1712 | Phelps, Richard | 1915 | 1,2 & 7/8 recast, rehung and canons removed from others by Alfred Bowell in 1915 | Dove and Love Estw. Dove 07/20 states canons removed, MASp at this event. | Dove 07/20, Love's Guide Kent, MAS |
8 | 20 1 16 | Sup | 1895 | 1895 | Taylor | 1895 | 8 installed n 1895 by Taylor | Dove, Chester Guild w/s 08/05, 07/20, CB 25/546, BN 22/06/95 p37 | |
10 | 20 1 16 | Sup | 1895 | 1895 | Taylor | 1976 | Existing 8 augmented to 10 in 1976 by Taylor | No weight change to Tenor | Dove, Chester Guild w/s 08/05, 07/20, GAD, RW 77/322 |
8 | 26 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1727 | Smith, Joseph | 1727 | Known to have been 10 by 1750 but unclear as to configuration. Shown 8 as cast in 1727 by Jos Smith | Known to have been 10 by 1750 but unclear as to configuration. Shown MAS estimate at 1727 as 8 cast by Jos Smith (when tower completed) per CJP B'ham Inventory. | CJP on |
10 | 26 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1727 | Smith, Joseph | 1731 | Existing 8 known to have become 10 when scrapped in 1750. MAS estimate at 1731 per CJP B'ham inventory | Known to have been augmented to 10 prior to 1750 but unclear as to when. Shown MAS estimate at 1731 from CJP B'ham inventory. | CJP on |
10 | 29 0 18 | Sup | 1751 | 1751 | Lester, Thomas | 1751 | Existing 10 recast in 1750/1 by Thomas Lester | MASp Supw (per Tilley & Walters). | Walters, 12s w/s, CJP, Tower w/s 07/20 |
10 | 29 cwt | Est | 2020 | 1772 | Pack & Chapman | 1772 | 5 & 10/10 recast in 1772 by P&C | Canons remained to 1937 scrapping | Walters, CJP, BN 21/06/02 p121 |












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